Chapter Seven

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Naotaka's Pov
When people tell that time is a like a blink. You should believe them, you blinked a dozen times per second everyday, and here I was feeling power surging through me more than it every did months ago. I never had felt the strength to protect myself like I had during the entire Chuin exam.

It was so selfishly greedy that when the Hokage died. Only a small part of me was saddened by it. Something lingered in my mind, that why would someone with so much power let me and Naruto be bullied for so long.

Why.. We were so young on the streets in orphanages until we finally had our own apartment. I took over the cooking, I took over.  I felt Naruto was my responsibility when in reality, the adults should have thrown away their fear of us and helped us instead. Every time I looked at any adult in the leaf I just felt this off distaste that I shouldn't have had.

When Kakashi Sensei was more focused on training Sasuke, leaving Naruto to go with one of the Sanin. I unlocked my abilities on my own.

I felt almost withdrawn almost. The longer you lingered it felt like the hate here could grow. It was almost like I was distant from what raised me. But then again, I raised myself with the small seal of the nine tail fox split between me and Naruto.

My prolonged thoughts moved from the built up months of almost dying watching Naruto. He was fast asleep on the couch after dinner. Me recalling that fight on the hospital roof. He was getting stronger, those two were equally matched I would say. Something was off with Sasuke since that hospital visit. He was already an angry person, this was more then just average rage. This was pure hatred.

I slipped on my sandals running my hands through out my messy long red hair. It was getting a little too long now, grabbing the blanket, I placed it over Naruto's sleeping form seeing him smile on his sleep, it caused me to faintly smile.

His happiness was my own, I felt like it always would be that way. Not looking back opening one of the far large windows I I locked it sitting on the ledge. I shut the window behind me, quickly seeing a figure jumping down from the large hospital trees. I narrowed my eyes focusing on the chakra. before launching myself with a quick jump launch off the window to our apartment following after the figure.

Sasuke's movements were beyond erratic, moving quickly to follow he had spun around just in time for me to quickly pin his body towards a tree not too far from the entrance. His body had jolted into a tough position looking back towards me fast like, a sharp exhale leaving him.

"Naotaka? What the hell are you doing out here? Let me go." I kept his hands pinned to his side speaking with a hardness in my tone.

"You are leaving the leaf how come?" He was thrashing around in my hold, shooting his knees and legs to hit at me.

"It's none of your damn business Nao let me go, I'm done playing ninja here, I refuse to be behind you and Naruto any longer. Power can be for me can't you see?" He laughed tossing his head back quickly. I stared at him more, digging my nails into his palms.

"Yeah I knew you were crazy."

"I hate you Naotaka Uzuamki! Why do you have to be so perfect? Not following me, why am I in love with a damn idiot that every time I've tried to tell you this you don't listen, you are too late to have my heart." My shocked expression wasn't all flowing through my head. His words lingering in my head. I licked faintly at my lower lip, my own husky chuckle leaving me.

"You think I'm perfect Sasuke? Since the moment me and Naruto were born, we were hated. We had rocks thrown at us by kids and adults alone. And you know what you had you were born into a legendary clan, you've had everything you've ever wanted from your family, to even after they were slaughtered you were loved by the village. You always had it and it was torn away from you, me and Naruto never had it to begin with you spoil brat!" I shouted at him seeing the shape of his eyes grow wide suddenly his body limp as well.

"Till this day we are still hated. And you know what? I don't care about what those adults think. They don't know me, they don't know I took care of us. Or that I'm not strong inside at all. So Sasuke yeah you lost something, and I'm terribly sorry but you are being undoubtedly selfish when you could be better." I narrowed my blue eyes at him some more before leaning in pressing my lips into his deeply, noticing the tears dripping down his cheeks, his lips pressing back onto my own suddenly fisting at my shirt almost desperate for touch. I exhaled roughly pressing my forehead onto his own.

"Kakashi Sensei was right, if I could choose I would runaway with you, but I'm not leaving Naruto behind Sasuke." His hands were trembling holding onto my shirt even more tightly.

"Naotaka.. come with me please.. I'm sorry just come with me.. The village they've never done anything for you two so why stay?" He stared up at me more dropping his hands to grab at my hands. I stated at him entirely with sadness before moving to cup at his face.

"Because what good would it do Sasuke..? I can't go and you know this, but know this okay? My heart will always be yours even when you say you hate me." I moved my body back from his, feeling his hands desperate to grab back at my own quickly, I gestured my head towards the path near one of the benches by the entrance.

"Go Sasuke." I shut my eyes letting my head drop down to face the floor, feeling a faint squeeze at my arm tightly.

"I love you Naotaka..." It was like a large wrap of the wind burst past me causing me to open my eyes looking behind me once, he was gone from my sights.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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