Chapter Three

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Naotaka's Pov
"Sasuke... Honestly you are so strange when have you ever wanted to be around me?" I questioned confused. All I wanted to do was relax from the stress from these last two weeks, of our very first mission on as a team, recalling the bell test, and just everything adding up.

I usually went out to the training grounds to calm myself down, and I was trying to figure out how it worked really.

"If me and Naruto both have the nine  tail fix inside us, does that mean we have the same abilities? I mean he did teach me that sexy jutsu." I muttered a little to myself but I glanced down at my lap to see Sasuke's head was resting in my lap, his eyes watching the butterflies fluttering all about.

"Loser would you shut up? I'm just resting here alright, it's not like we are doing anything." He grumbled  reaching his hand out a small butterfly slowly landing on his finger a small smile making its way across his face lightly.

"I never knew you and Naruto were so powerful. " He muttered after a long while looking away from the sky to gaze up at me a bit.

"We still have a long way to go Sasuke." I muttered shaking my head deeply. I lifted my hand to mess with my red hair a bit leaning back again.

"You have so much hate inside you Sasuke... I can feel it." I muttered making his eyes snap open so quick he stared up at me startled.

"Ever since I was young I could sense things about people, their emotions, the strong ones really, and you have a valid reason. But come on you are nice to hang around with, when you don't pout and whine." I laughed quietly seeing him stare at me his cheeks red.

"You can feel emotions?" He questioned  confused gazing at me more.

"Something like that, I wouldn't go so far as to saying I can feel emotions. I can just tell you aren't a bad person like everyone makes it out to seem."

I watched his eyes grow soft and I was a little startled when he reached his hand out towards my cheeks. Before he was slowly rubbing at my whiskers startling me.

"I always knew there was a reason I liked you." He whispered my eyes grew a little in size and I scoffed in embarrassment watching Sasuke smile.

"Why are you being so weird?" I grumbled. I looked up a little startled when Naruto was running into the training grounds.

"Hey you two! Come on we have more missions from the hokage! Ew what are you two doing Sasuke! Stop trying to take his innocent away!" I started laughing noticing Sasuke grew angry, standing.

"You idiot Naruto! I almost said it why do you ruin everything." I laughed standing up brushing off my head outfit listening to the two argue greatly.

These missions are suppose to be quick and easy, but they took a little longer because me and Naruto were goofing off a bit but also I let my thoughts drift to what Sasuke said. What the actually hell did he mean? By liking me?

No one likes me and Naruto like at all really. "God Naruto you loser we would have been done if you aren't goofing off all the time." Sasuke grumbled while we walked across the bridge.

I sighed putting my hands behind my head walking ahead of everyone.

"What did you say? You think you're better then everyone else!" Naruto shouted.

"No I'm better then you." He shot back.

"Okay both you stop it." I demanded using both my hands to push them away from one another.

"We are on a team okay? Which means we all have to get along." I stated looking between them a bit.

"Nao is right, and you all need to work on your teamwork." Kakashi Sensei stated looking between all four of us.

"Yeah Sakura so that doesn't mean oogling Sasuke all day long, it means training and not following him around." Sakura glared at me so fast.

"I swear Naotaka." She growled out.

"Hey what did I say, that means you and Sakura too Nao, work on your teamwork." With that Kakashi Sensei teleported away in his smoke.

"Team work huh?" Naruto muttered to himself scowling a bit.

"This is a waste of time." I grumbled moving away for a moment.

"I'm going home Naruto, make sure to come home so I can actually cook dinner." I announced to him.

"Hey!" I jumped a little at Sasuke voice.

"Can we hang out again?" He questioned at me. I nodded my head slowly.

"Sure we can Sasuke." I chuckled waving goodbye to everyone walking off to be on my own for a little while.

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