Chapter 8- Questions questions

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Five minutes had silently trecked by since Tony took his leave and Jayden couldn't stop fidgeting. Doctor Doirs had long since turned back to her computer when she caught on Jayden still wasn't especially comfortable talking to her while a bored Theo played with her limp fingers resting on her lap.

She wished Tony would hurry up with this SHIELD so she could relax back in the penthouse and never have to think about doctors again.She knew SHIELD was here for her, undoubtedly they wanted to question her and take her away from here so they could make use of her abilities. She hoped Tony and the others would refuse them and allow her to stay here. She didn't know what would happen to her if they didn't. The uncertainty made her feel sick to her stomach.

Doctor Doirs sighed a few minutes later and swiveled her chair so she was facing the girl, Jayden caught the doctor picking at her nails before she tried easing the growing tension with a question. "So Jayden... how are you enjoying your time here?"

"It's good" Jayden answered quietly. "It's better here than the streets"

Doirs expression turned from concern into pity and Jayden instantly hated the look and turned away. She looked at Theo and wriggled her fingers as he played with them before petting his stomach as he rolled onto his back.

She knew people would naturally always take pity on her when they hear of her history, even more so because she was merely a child who has experienced more trauma and pain than most people would in their lifetime. She hated it. She wanted to be treated as any other annoying child but she knew that would never be possible, even if they had no idea who she was. The lab made her grow up, she was too mature for her age from the way she talked to the way she walked and even she knew it.

The squeaking of wheels had her looking up again, she watched as Doirs wheeled herself towards a rucksack in the corner of the room and ruffled through it in a search for something. Jayden didn't see what it was as the doctor suddenly stood and walked to her, offering something in her hand.

"Here" It was a cookie, Jayden narrowed her eyes with perplexity and didn't move to take it. Even when Doris had shown nothing but trustworthiness, Jayden was still unconsciously on edge.

"It's not poisoned, I promise" Doctor Doirs said, her tone displaying no sign of offence for Jayden's hesitancy, if anything it was slightly amused. "As a reward of sorts, I know coming easy wasn't easy for you, I want to show my thanks"

Theo nudged her hand in encouragement, Jayden stared at the cookie for a moment more before she slowly reached out and took it. Chocolatey goodness filled her mouth as she slowly nibbled the corner, she didn't say anything but she felt her shoulders relaxing ever so slightly.

Doirs smiled, obviously pleased with her reaction. "I would've given you a sticker but it seems I haven't any left"

"What are stickers?"

"Oh! They're like small pictures that you can stick onto your clothes" Her confusion only deepened.

"Adults enjoy that?"

"The majority do not but I know a few certain heroes that benefit from it"


"Ah, that's confidential"

Jayden was about to pester her who these particular heroes were but she was broken away by a stoic looking woman appearing at the doorway.

At a glance, Jayden could tell she wasn't a doctor or someone who worked here, her clothing was professional with a navy blazer hanging over her tailored trousers, her unnaturally pale complexion complimented her greying hair strung up in a orderly bun, her posture was stiff and straight as she surveyed the room with a steeled gaze before it landed on Jayden on the examination table.

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