Hey watch it!!!

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*6 years later*

(At Rebecca's house)

"Becca, how was your summer?" Giles asked me. Giles has been my best friend ever since I came to New York.

"Oh nothing that special. the usual." I told him and smiled.

"Ahh! So you basically went to your granny's, ate, slept and pretty much did nothing." he said between fits of laughter.

"Ha ha Giles! Your so funny!" I muttered sarcastically. "Okay. Change of topic. What did you do?"

I went to Miami with my parents and pretty much chilled on the beach. Oh ad I bought you something." Giles put his hand in his pocket and removed a keychain which said 'G+R=BFF'

"Aww Giles! This is amazing! I'm utterly speechless! I love it!" I hugged him and thanked him. This is by far the best gift ever!

"So, you like it? Crap I was so scared that you won't! By the way, your coming tomorrow to school right?"

Okay now I'm confused. Why does he want me to come? Now I don't wanna go. "Okay..... And why should I come?"

"Because I want you to meet a friend of mine." he said in a duh tone.

"And why should I meet this 'friend' of yours?" I said emphasizing on friend.

"Because like how you say.. This guy is hot! And he's a cool guy. So your gonna meet him."

"Are you playing matchmaker or something?" I asked with amusement.

"Of course not just come it'll be fun I promise."

"Oh sweetheart. Rememebr when you said it'll be fun last? On the stupid roller coster!! And guess what! I threw up!! So don't go saying that it'll be fun. And I will only come if Amy comes so let me ask her. Hold on."

To Amy,

From Becca:

'Hey gurl!! U cumin tomo? xx"

A few minutes later a get a reply.

To Becca,

From Amy:

'Obvi! Hw cn u doubt dat? Cnt w8 2 c u! xx'

"So it looks like I'm coming Giles. Anything else?"

"Of course not. Okay I gotta go now see you tomorrow in school. Bye" Giles kissed my forehead and walked out of the front door.


I entered the school doors and to my right I saw my friends. I was walking towards them when Amy screamed "Hey Becca!! Over here!!" I went jogging to her and hugged her..

"Amy!! I missed you soo much!!"

"I missed you too sweetie like so much!!" The bell rang signalling us to go to our homerooms..

I was walking towards room 151 when someone runs into me..

"Hey watch it!! Don't you have eyes!!" I screamed at the guy.

"Yeah I do.. But I was blinded by your beauty." he said that and walked off... That's when I checked him out.. Grey eyes, Brown hair, tall and muscular... Maybe he is in the football team...

I think I just met a sex god..

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