So I See That You Met Him

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I entered the school doors and to my right I saw my friends. I was walking towards them when Amy screamed "Hey Becca!! Over here!!" I went jogging to her and hugged her..

"Amy!! I missed you soo much!!"

"I missed you too sweetie like so much!!" The bell rang signalling us to go to our homerooms..

I was walking towards room 151 when someone runs into me..

"Hey watch it!! Don't you have eyes!!" I screamed at the guy.

"Yeah I do.. But I was blinded by your beauty." he said that and walked off... That's when I checked him out.. Grey eyes, Brown hair, tall and muscular... Maybe he is in the football team...

I think I just met a sex god..

Chapter 4:

Who was he? I've never seen him before and I've been in this school for a year. Maybe I'm not as popular as I think then. I gotta stop reacting.

"Hello class. My name is Mr. Khan and I'm gonna be your homeroom teacher and also your mathematics teacher." Mr. Khan said.

Mr. Khan passed us our schedules for the year along with which class they would be in... Me and Amy compared our schedules. We had math, chemistry, gym (i love gym), English, study hour and lunch together. Awesome! Mr. Khan took our attendence. And as if on cue the bell rang singnalling us to go to our first class.

Me and Amy both had English and it went by like a breeze. the next class I had was world History in which Amy is not there.

Ohh... My... God!! World History was so boring!! It just went on and on and on.

Thank God we have Math now. Mr. Khan seems like a cool guy and maybe he is an awesome teacher too.. I just don't know it yet... Now I will have to find out..

Mr. Khan practically took introductions from us since it's our first day. He told us to be prepared for the tomorrow's class as we will start algebra. Yuck algebra.

Luckily the bell for lunch rang. Me and Amy were heading towards the cafeteria when someone bangs into me..

"Watch where your going!!" I screamed.

The person just stood there while I bent down to pick up my stuff... I looked up and saw that it was the same guy who had banged into me today morning...

"Are you just gonna stand there with the smirk on your face or are you gonna move?"

"Nah. I think I'm gonna stand here and watch you. Your more exciting to watch."

"Listen dude I don't even know you so go to hell! You cannot stand in front of me and act like you know me!"

"What if I just want to?" he smirked at me..

"Don't make me slap you and wipe that smirk off your face."

"Ah the face... Just admit it.. You want me."

I laughed. "I... Want... You?" I asked between fits if laughter. "Dream on sucker. Who do you think you are? Prince of Persia!?"

"Hey Becca!!" I heard Giles shout out my name. He came to me and jerkoff and put his arm around me... "So I see that you met him."

"Met who? This pocket full of sunshine?" note the sarcasm..

Giles starts laughing.. "Becca this is my friend Harry. Harry this is my best friend I was talking about."

He's Giles' friend!? Oh my God!!!! Ahhh!!! I turned to Giles, "So this son of a female dog is your friend?"

Harry had a smirk on his face and said, "Yeah I am.. So?"

"Oh my God Giles!!! I'm outta here." I removed his hand off of my shoulder and pushed Harry aside and walked away.

While I was walking away I got a text.

From: Unknown

To: Becca

"Babe your ass looks sexy when your angry. xx"

I turned around and saw Harry smirking his stupid smirk at me. I realized then that the person who texted me was Harry. Now the question is.. How did he get my number?

I was looking at him... I smiled and popped my middle finger at him and walked away to the table with my friends..

"Whose that hottie you were just talking to?" Stacey asked me.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys? His name is Giles!" yeah you heard me.. Giles is a hottie. And I'm one of the only people who hasn't fallen for his looks or charm and those beautiful eyes.. They are navy blue and beautiful..

"Not Giles. We know him. The other guy!" Abby told me.

Harry... ugh!!! Why does everyone think he's cute!? I hate that guy!!

"The jerk? Well he's Harry... And don't worry. He's all yours. Keep him I don't care." I mumbled coherently.

"Aww Becca has a cwush!!" Amy giggled. 

"Oh my God!! I don't have a crush on the jerkface!! Ew! Yuck disgusting!" I screamed

All three of them started laughing.

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