He smiled at me

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Hi! My name is Rebecca McCarty and I am 8 years old! Today Mommy and Daddy are taking me to our new house. They said we have to stay there now. I don't mind I like this house. It means I will have more friends!

"Mommy! I'm going to play!" I yelled.

"Okay sweetie! Be careful! And be back home by seven!"

I go out and I see three kids playing, one boy looks big, one boy looks smaller than the big boy and the girl looks about my age. The big boy looked up and smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back at him. He has an infectious smile. He's tall, dark and pretty cute. His smile made me feel happy inside. Oh! This is a weird feeling....

"Hi! I'm Emily and this is Gary and Victor. Are you new here?" she pointed at the guys.

Okay.... So the tall guys name is Gary... Oh!

"Hi... I'm Rebecca.. And yes I'm new here.."

"Oh so your a shy girl. I see." said Gary.

I blushed and looked down at my feet. "So, um, can I play with you guys?"

"Of course you can!" exclaimed Victor "We love New friends! Don't we Gary?" and he poked Gary in the ribs with his elbow.

"Yeah sure. Why don't you play with us?" Gary asked.

I have a feeling that Gary doesn't like me very much.

"Thanks!" I beamed.


Hey there! I'm Gary Steele! I'm 11 years old. In the evening I was playing with my friends Emily and Victor when I saw this girl staring at us. I looked at her and smiled. She responded to my smile with a smile of her own. She's one cute girl.

Emily looks at her and says "Hi! I'm Emily and this is Gary and Victor. Are you new here?" she pointed at me and then Vicky.

She looked dumb struck.

"Hi... I'm Rebecca.. And yes I'm new here.." she said slowly.

"Oh so your a shy girl. I see." I said looking at her. She blushed and looked down at her feet.

"So, um, can I play with you guys?" she asked.

"Of course you can!" exclaimed Victor "We love New friends! Don't we Gary?" and he poked me in the ribs with his elbow.

"Yeah sure. Why don't you play with us?" I asked. Ouch that hurt.

"Thanks!" she beamed. Damn this girl's smile will be the death of me. Her smile automatically makes me smile. Get a hold on yourself Steele. you can't let her know how you feel about her.

"So let's play basketball" I offered.

"No Gary! No basketball! You use you height against us all the time! And its really not fair!" Emily screamed.

"Actually basketball is fine. I don't mind playing." Rebecca said.

I was awestruck. She actually wants to play basketball with me? after what Emily just said? Odd. Maybe I have the same effect on her as much as she has on me.

"Nuh uh! No way! Gary I'm going home! You always win! That is so not fair!" Emily screamed and storms off. Vicky goes running behind her to calm her down.

"So its only you and me huh.." Rebecca said.

"Yeah I guess so. So what do you wanna do Rebecca?"

"You can call me Becca."

"Okay Becca.. What do you want to do? Basketball? Roller blading? Anything."

"So what are you not good at?" she smiled. Oh god her smile! Lord give me energy I don't think I can take it anymore..

"Hmmm.... I wouldn't know.." I stuck my tongue out at her. "What's your age Becca?"

"I'm eight! I turned eight in April!"

"That's nice. I'm eleven."

She smiled again. Damm what's up with her and smiles!? She's gonna be the death of me.



So here we are.... The very first chapter. Okay its a little slow I know... I mean in the first few chapters they are kids... It'll pick up a little for sure... I promise... But believe it or not... Drama happens when your kids too... Wait and watch...

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