Chapter 18

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(A/N : Sorry guys Its 'the first time in forever' since I last updated. I had a lot of test to take at school and have to practice for my concerts and now the school year is over and I can finally write. I apologize for the loooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnggg wait. Very very sorry I will try better next time since its finally summer.)

David POV

I woke up with Jessica shaking me. She was getting out the hospital and even if she was only in here for a little bit she was still in here at all. I couldn't wait til she was ready to leave.

Later that morning she walked out of the hospital and was taken home. She was feeling much better but she said she still felt slight dizziness so I promised to stay with her just until she felt 100% better.

We drove her home and I carried her in her bed room.

"David I can walk you know."She said .

"I don't care I'm going to do everything for you until you feel better. Even walking." I told her. She just giggled. I layed her in her bed and plopped down next to her. I reached out and held her hand. I turned to look at her beautiful face. She smiled and I smiled to.

Rachel POV

The next day Jessica got out the hospital and I was so happy for her. I wanted to see her but there was one thing in my way. Josh. He said that he wanted to take me on a date cause it was our anniversary.

I was at home on the couch with Josh watching tv when my phone rings. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Rachel."

"Oh hey Jessica what's up?" I said enthusiastically.

"Nothin' just got home from the hospital and I'm here with David."

"Oh my goodness you left and didn't call me. How are you feeling?" I said slightly disappointed I wasn't the first know.

"I feel fine. Can you come over I miss you. "

"Uhh.....well...I have to get ready for my date with Josh soon. " I told her.

"Oh...well then I'll see you tommorow then.....I guess?" She said. I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"Yeah...absolutely. bye." I said.


I sat back on the couch and continue to watch tv.

At about 6:30 me and Josh stopped watching tv so we could get ready for the date. Josh was about to leave and we were saying Good bye.

"Alright, see you at eight. "Josh said kissing me on the forehead.

"Bye babe see you later." I said and shut the door behind him. I walked to my room and started to get dressed and do my hair. I wore a long, flowing, purple dress with a silver sparkling belt and silver diamond heels (picture on the side). I curled the tips of my hair leaving it down on my shoulders and did my make up.

When I finished it was I checked the time on my phone which read eight o'clock exactly. I went down stairs and looked out the window and sure enough Josh's car was outside my house. I fixed my hair one more time and opened the front door.

"Hey babe you ready?" Josh questioned then kissed me.

"Yeah lets go." I said holding his hand and walked out the door. Josh said that we were going to some fancy restaurant and that's why I had to wear a dress but he didn't tell me any thing else cause it was supposed to be a "surprise."

We arrived at this huge fancy building that I have never seen before. I stepped out of the car and looked at Josh. He was smiling mischieveously, and took my hand. We walked into the restaurant and the lady at the front desk looked from her cpmputer.

"Hello, my name is Madison how may I help you?" The lady says.

20 minutes later

We are at our table and I can't help but say that Josh has been acting strange. His voice is shaky, he won't look me in the eye and he keeps shifting around in his chair. And at one point some thing fell out of his pocket. But he picked it up too fast for me to see. I don't know what it was but it was small and red. I wonder if that's what he's so nervous about?

Jessica's POV

"David!! David!!! Stop it!" I yelled. He wouldn't stop tickling me and I couldn't breathe from it. We were eating chocolate pudding when David got it on his face and I started laughing at him. My punishment was being tickled to death.It was almost 8:30 and I had told my parents that David would be spending the night. He insisted on staying cause he still thought I didn't feel good, even though I told him countless times that I was fine.

After our tickle fight, we decided to have dinner. While I cooked us a meal, from time to time I would glance over at David sitting at the table. He looked nervous for some reason. He was starring down at the table and slowly rocking back and forth.

Five minutes later we are both sitting across the dinner table eating and David hasn't said a word yet. Then he finally speaks.

"Hey....umm...I have a present for you." He says.

I was so surprised. "Really?" I ask.

"Yeah here." He says then reaches into his pocket and pulls out this tiny red box. Then with shaky hands sets it on the table.


Ok guys how was that. I am again sorry for not updating and keep reading to find out what happens next. Sorry for errors.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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