Confronting Your Fears

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*one day in Our Town the ponies are setting up for the Sunset Festival when Starlight and Stellar show up causing all of them to look in shock and stop what they're doing*

Stellar- *nervously* Hi, everypony.

Starlight- *nervously waves*

Party Favor- *concerned* Hey, Starlight. Hey Stellar. What are you two doing here?

Goodie Bag- *stands behind Party Favor with a solemn look*

Starlight- *levitates the invitations* We...we were invited. To the Sunset Festival.

*Double Diamond and Snow Drift walk up*

Double Diamond- *glares* Yeah, but we didn't expect you two to come.

Goodie Bag- *levitates the invitations and rips them up while glaring at them*

*Starlight and Stellar look in worry*

Snow Drift- *glares* You didn't think we really wanted you two here, did you?

*the others glare at the two of them*

Starlight- *concerned* What we did was wrong and we're sorry.

Stellar- *concerned* We can't turn back the clock (well we could but...), but can we start over and move on?

Both- *hopeful* Please?

*the villagers glare harder*

Sugar Belle- *angrily* Do you two honestly think that an apology is going to make up for everything you two did to us?!

Tasty Treat- *glares* You two lied to all of us, kept your cutie marks making yourselves superior to the rest of us while we were inferior and we couldn't even do anything about it because of you two. We weren't equal like you two claimed, you two wanted to rule over us and eventually the rest of Equestria! *points at them*

Nightglider- *glares* And after we all got our cutie marks back, what do you two do? You try and steal Princess Twilight, Prince Dusk and their friends cutie marks, and tried to hurt all of us in the process!

Nightingale- *glares* After everything you two have done, why would we EVER WELCOME YOU TWO BACK!

*the villagers start walking towards them angrily and yelling at them*

Starlight/Stellar- *scared* NO! STOP!

*everything goes silent*

Starlight/Stellar- *looks around and sees that it's foggy* Where are we?

Voices- *regal* You're both dreaming Starlight Glimmer and Stellar Gleam.

*the two look up to see Prince Artemis and Princess Luna fly down from the moon*

Starlight/Stellar- *bows* Princess Luna. Prince Artemis. *concerned* What are you guys doing here?

Luna- *sincere* Dreams are our domain. We are here because you two need us to be Starlight Glimmer and Stellar Gleam.

Stellar- *relieved* It's only a dream.

Artemis- *solemn with an arched brow* It may only be a dream, but the feelings within them are real. *to the two* Dreams deal with the truths we keep buried inside, Starlight Glimmer and Stellar Gleam.

Starlight- *concerned* Great, so we're more afraid of going back to our village than we thought.

Stellar- *concerned*

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