Battle of Deceptions

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[changelings' wings buzzing]

*Discord and Eris hide as they fly past*

Discord: *smirks at Eris* It is certainly a pleasure to have such dedicated fans.

Eris- *smirks back at him* We'll have to come back with some new material after we rescue Fluttershy and Butterscotch.

*they turn to leave when they hear crying and see Fluttershy and Butterscotch*

Fluttershy: [whimpers] Please, help! [whimpers]

Butterscotch- *whimpers* Help us!!!

Discord/Eris: *happy* Fluttershy! Butterscotch!

Fluttershy/Butterscotch: *sees them* *happy* Discord! Eris! *looks at their tails in worry* We're stuck!

Discord: *bends down to help them* You certainly are. And we should probably help you get free. *stands up* But...

Fluttershy: *concerned* But what?

Eris: *glares* But you are obviously not Fluttershy and Butterscotch!

Fluttershy/Butterscotch: *looks down and pouts* Oh.

Discord: *serious* I mean, We're separated from the group and just happen to come across the two ponies we care most about?

Eris- *scoffs* We can smell this setup a mile away. Honestly, Chrysalis and Metamorphosis have to do better than that.

Fluttershy: [sniffs, crying] No. You're right. There's no way you should trust us. Just go find the others. [wailing] we understand!

Butterscotch- *sniffs* Just, go!!!

Discord/Eris: *glares* Oh, come on! *they hear more crying and turn to see many Fluttershy's and Butterscotch's*

Fluttershys/Butterscotch's: [crying]

Fluttershy #1: *sadly* We're probably all changelings. You shouldn't rescue any of us. *expression changes into a sinister grin* Unless, you think, maybe one of us might be the real Fluttershy and Butterscotch.

Butterscotch- *shares the same expression* Oh, that certainly would be a nasty changeling trick, wouldn't it?

Fluttershys/Butterscotchs: [crying]

Fluttershy/Butterscotch #2: *sadly* We're the real ones.

Fluttershy/Butterscotch #3: *sadly* We're the real ones.

Fluttershy/Butterscotch #4: We're the real Fluttershy and Butterscotch.

Fluttershy/Butterscotch #1- *smiling evilly at Discord and Eris but then their faces fall as they see Discord and Eris sharpening their claws*

Discord/Eris- *smirks with their claws sharpened and unsheathed* Cause Chrysalis' and Metamorphosis' aren't stupid enough to leave their prizes out in the open...and if they are...that's too bad! Now then, we may not have our magic...*grins sadistically* but we have all our animalistic qualities...*growls darkly*

*meanwhile in the tunnels*

Spike/Thorax- *make it out of their tunnel to see Barbra and Mesosoma* *worried* Klutzy...

Barbra/Hive- *smiles* *unison* Draconequus...

*they nod to each other happily*

Spike- I hope the others had an easier time than we did...

*the other three nods*

*in the second tunnel*

Starlight/Trixie- *walking*

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