Entering the Hive

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*while everyone is walking*

Discord: *complaining* Oh, I don't know how any of you manage not being able to disappear and reappear whenever you want!

Eris- *tired* This is exhausting...I'm getting calluses on my calluses!

Trixie: *glares at them* Well, I, for one, definitely miss you two being able to disappear!

Trixter- *glares at them* Agreed...

Discord/Eris- *glares at them back*

Starlight Glimmer: *to Trixie and Trixter* Give them a break.

Stellar- *looks at them* Yeah, none of us knew we weren't going to be able to use magic.

Thorax: *concerned* We did.

Mesosoma- *mutters* We were just teleported here, as well as interrupted.

Stellar- *admits* Well, Starlight and I learned that we can't always use magic to solve our problems.

Starlight- *admits* This is one of those times.

*Discord and Eris stub their toes and the two scream and yelp alerting changelings which come over*

*Thorax, Mesosoma, Starlight, Stellar, Trixie, Trixter, Spike and Barbara hide while  Twilight and Dusk bites on Discord and Eris' tails and throws them to the others with their strength*

*the changelings pass them*

Trixie- *glares at Discord and Eris* *whispers quietly* Next time, just shout "Hey, we're over here!"

*Discord and Eris grab their tails and glares at Twilight and Dusk*

*Twilight and Dusk look at Discord and Eris with disgust*

Twilight/Dusk- *in flat unison* Your tails taste disgusting.

*everyone looks at them*

Dusk: *thinks* If we get separated, it might make sense to have a way to make sure we are who we say we are. That's how Chrysalis and Metamorphosis initially tipped us off that there was something off about Cadence and Bolero.

*everyone nods in agreement*

Discord: Oh! Like a secret code! How about if I say "we are" and you say "doomed"? Or you say "rescue" and I say... [flails and falls]

Twilight/Dusk- *turns to see Discord on the floor* *blinks in confusion*

Trixie: *smirks* How about if we say "klutzy" and you say "draconequus"?

Trixter- *smirks at Eris* Perfect...

Starlight Glimmer: *smirks* "Klutzy draconequus". Works for me.

Stellar- *nods in approval*

Thorax: *smiles* I'll definitely remember it.

Mesosoma- *nods* So will I...

Spike/Barbra- *chuckles* So will we...

Discord- *annoyed* You all are great traveling companions.

*near in the front Twilight and Dusk are walking when Eris walks up*

Eris- *to Twilight and Dusk* Don't ever bite on our tails like that again...

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