𝐎𝐍𝐄. MJ thinks Glee is accurate!

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MJ thinks Glee is accurate!

MARIANNA ran on a strict schedule. If she packs her clothes and make up into her sports bag the night before, she can wake up at 5:30 am and get ready for cheer practice. If she gives minimal effort in her ponytail and just accepts that she'll be sweaty at the end of practice and will have to take a shower at school, she'll be ready at 5:50 am. If she walks to school with her keys in between her fingers at a brisk pace, she'll arrive to school at 6:15 am and will only have to wait 30 minutes for practice to start and then end at 8 am, 45 minutes before school actually starts.

All just so she could avoid Beatrice Thompson, who always, without fail, woke up at 6:15 in the morning. On the dot.

So she's pretty pissed when Beatrice was standing at the door, dressed and with her car keys in hand, at 5:54 am.

Beatrice seemed to have been waiting for her. Lips pulled in a tight line, wrinkles creasing her forehead as she looked her child up and down, "You do know you're going out into public dressed like that, right?"

Marianna repressed the urge to roll her eyes at the tone of her mother's voice. She looked down at herself instead, inspecting her outfit. The weather forecast had said the morning was going to be colder than normal, so she dressed in a baggy sweatshirt with sweatpants over leggings.

"Yeah, well, I can't really be wearing heels at the top of a pyramid." The older woman quirked an eyebrow at her daughter and gave her a glance over once again, hand settling on her hip.

"I thought you were scared of heights."

"I am, but I also love doing this, so..."

Her mom crossed her arms, "If you're going to practice right now, then why did you stay out till 7 last night?" Marianna could scoff at that question. She knew for a fact Coach Dawson always emailed the parents of cheerleaders the practice schedule so that parents would know what time to pick up their children. Beatrice just didn't care.

Marianna shrugged carelessly, "Homecoming is soon, we've been having extra long practices for the game," When her mother's scrutinizing gaze didn't settle, that's when Marianna rolled her eyes, "Check your emails. Specifically from my coach if you don't believe me."

The brunette side stepped the older woman, tossing her bag over her shoulder.

"Marianna, I am not done asking questions. I'm driving you."

The teen made sure to slam the door behind her.

The weight on her shoulders immediately began to lift the second she saw her teammates stretching and gossiping with each other on the field. She could distantly hear her two coaches arguing over something, probably over who gets the last breakfast taco.

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