𝐒𝐈𝐗. Hugs and smiles galore!

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Hugs and smiles galore!

    MARIANNA'S pain in her arm caused her body to quiver. despite being safe now. Her breathing continued to quicken at a fast pace, her body wracked with sobs. Ned had carried her, Flash consoling her when she began to freak out when the team had to get on another elevator.

   Liz had taken off her cardigan and made a sling, Cindy taking her time to lift a water bottle to Marianna's lips. Abe, Charles, and Samantha stood by, ready to help whenever Mr. Harrington instructed them.

   Despite being the captain of the cheer team, she had never been a part of a team this caring before.

  When MJ saw her, she practically crumbled beneath herself. The stoic girl now overwhelmed with emotions as her knees buckled, running towards Marianna.

  MJ grasped the sides of Mariannas head and furrowed her fingers into her best friend's soft, chestnut hair. A relieved smile was on her tear stained cheeks as she pulled Marianna in softly, careful of her covered arm.

   MJ stayed attached to Marianna for the entirety of the bus ride, and even packed Mari's bags when they returned to the hotel.

  The girls sat in silence as MJ moved about, double checking the entire room, when someone knocked on their door.

"I'll get it." MJ shouted from the bathroom. Marianna shook her head, slowly raising to her feet, "I've got it, don't worry."

At the door was a mournful Peter Parker, his doe eyes filled with sadness, regret, and almost disbelief to see Marianna alive.

"Hey, Penis." There was a ghost of a smile on Marianna's lips as she croaked out to him. She quickly cleared her throat, embarrassed at her lack of voice.

The boy opposite to her inhaled, meekly raising his hands to cusp her cheeks.

"I got so scared when Ned called and told me what happened... I just- I'm so sorry Mari." His voice broke as he stared into her eyes. Confusion began to run through Marianna, she had no idea Peter and her were this close.

"I'm fine now, Peter. Spider-Man got me."

"But he almost didn't," His voice was strained, light tears welling in his eyes, "When I found out what happened I thought..." His voice trailed off. Marianna raised her good arm to caress his hand on her cheek, eyebrows furrowed as she wondered why Ned would tell Peter the masked hero almost dropped her.

"Thought what?"

"What if the last time I saw your eyes was when you looked at me with disappointment?"

Her heart began to stutter as she looked in his honey brown eyes. She got a sudden burst of confidence, choosing to move closer so they were almost chest to chest.

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