𝐓𝐖𝐎. Always protect the cat!

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Always protect the cat!

   MARIANNA had been snitched on. She had been laughing with MJ on the bleachers when Coach Jans approached them with a disapproving look on her face.

   At first, Marianna thought her coach had found the graffiti the cheerleaders would doodle on the bathroom stalls, but then Coach Jans lifted her staff walkie talkie to her mouth, muttering something like 'found her'.

   Next thing she knew, Principal Morita was walking onto the field, telling her she needed to follow him.

   That's how she came to the conclusion someone had snitched, but it was really settled for her when she entered his office and Coach Dawson and Mr. Harrington were already waiting for her. Principal Morita gently closed the door behind her and Coach Jans, who motioned to the seat in front of the man's desk.

   "Take a seat," The man muttered. Marianna looked at her coaches confused, noticing Coach Dawson was trying not to laugh. Principal Morita settled himself into his chair, letting out a sigh.

   "We heard from a concerned student that you had an altercation with Sally Avril," Hearing the blondes name, Marianna scoffed, "Concerned student my ass, no one likes Sally Avril." Coach Dawson let out a loud laugh while the other adults looked at Marianna in shock.

   Coach Jans shot Marianna a stern look, "You better watch your mouth young lady, or you'll be saying goodbye to being captain." Marianna's abrasive face softened, slumping in the chair out of defeat. Principal Marita awkwardly cleared this throat before continuing, "Luckily, Sally and her parents don't want to press charges."

   Marianna smirked to herself. In no universe would Sally try to go for Marianna after today. The girls used to be friends in Sophomore year, so Marianna knew all the dirty details in the blonde girl's life.

   Marianna would never use them against her, but Sally didn't need to know that.

   "That being said, we think you should have some academic punishment for your actions."

   Mr. Harrington tried to fight off an offended look as he stumbled over his words, "Well, I wouldn't say it's a punishment, it's more of an opportunity-"

   "It's lame and it's a punishment." Coach Dawson interrupted, picking her nails. Marianna sat up, eyes wide, "You're not saying-"

   "You're joining the decathlon team or you're off the team." Coach Jans shrugged. Marianna began shaking her head, "That's so stupid, Sally Avril deserved what I did." None of the adults seemed to falter in their decision, "I mean, I'm not even smart enough for that-"

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