𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄. Trust falls at Washington Monument!

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Trust falls at Washington Monument!

      MARIANNA seemed to be having rough starts to her day more often than she would like to admit.

        Her hair was dry and knotted from the pool water she had neglected to wash out last night because her and MJ had tiredly stumbled into their hotel room, giggling before knocking out.

          Which led to the next problem: MJ is not a courteous sleeper. At first the idea of snuggling with her best friend was delightful, but quickly Marianna was proven wrong when MJ fell asleep before her and quickly began kicking and rolling around.

          So not only was her hair going to be a problem to her hectic morning, but her neck and legs were sore. Letting out a groan, Marianna rolled over to grab her phone from the nightstand, shocked to see it was only 4 am. She let out a sigh of relief, she had 4 more hours till they had to leave for the decathlon.

            Before she got up from bed she scrolled through instagram, smiling to herself as she tapped through the decathlon team member's stories of last night. She giggled as a video of Flash being pushed into the pool by Abe played on Cindy's story.

             There were lots of pictures on Liz's story of every team member. The girl had been respectful to ask if she could post them and Marianna began to feel softer towards Liz as she tapped through the photos. A photo of Cindy floating in the pool, Abe spreading out the stolen candy like it was money, Flash and Charles posing like the idiot boys they were, and a selfie of Liz and Ned, the boy wearing a ridiculous fedora that ended up soaked at the end of the night.

             Despite being part of the team (and Liz asking if she could post her), she was shocked when the next picture was of her. She stood with a bright smile on her face as she looked down in the pool where Ned was, mid conversation. A ridiculous child sized floatie was on her head and her wet hair curled nicely. Marianna let out a low whistle as she took in her appearance.

           "Damn, girl..." She whispered, smugly smirking to herself. Peter had not been wrong when he complimented her bathing suit. She tapped again and was met with a picture of her and MJ.

           MJ was wearing a t-shirt and shorts as she clung to Marianna, who was giving her best friend a piggyback ride in the pool. A little bit of Marianna's mascara had dripped, but it added to the carefree look. MJ was shyly smiling at the camera, cheek pressed against Marianna's who was smiling softly.

            Marianna felt her heart warm as she stared at the picture, grateful for Liz to have captured it. She swiped up and typed out a quick message to Liz, plz send the whole pic to me and then quickly added a thank u.

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