Living Purdy- Fear Won't Steal What Burns In You

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Ashley's POV

We got up to the emergency's entrance, where Brooke helped Autumn get out of the car and into a wheelchair. I told them I would meet up with them as soon as I found a parking spot. Andy and CC followed behind Brooke and vanished behind the doors. I finally found a space in the lot and unbuckled myself, running to the doors.

CC and Andy were already seated in the waiting area with Audrey and the twins, so I walked over to join them. "Autumn, already went back to get examined?" I asked

"Yeah, they took her back there pretty quick. Brooke was only allowed back there, so we're here to keep you from running back there." Andy smiled a little. I sighed looking up at the ceiling and prayed for some sort of miracle.

"Ashley!" I brought my head back down to normal level and saw Cayden walking in my direction. "Where's Autumn?? What happened?! I wanna see her!" Cayden hollered as he walked towards the receptionist's desk. CC grabbed Cayden's arm before he could reach the desk and sat him down next to me.

"Cayden, I don't know what's wrong with Autumn. All we know is that she was doubled over in pain and there was blood. Brooke's back there with her now, but Brooke's the only one allowed in there. So in the meantime we just have to wait." I said. Cayden just lowered his head and ran his hands through his hair sighing.

Cayden brought his head back up and wiped his face with the sleeves of his hoodie. I honestly never seen Cayden cry before and to be honest, it really broke my heart. I sighed and put my arm around his shoulders, patting his back.

"She's going to be alright, Cayden. Autumn's a strong woman, she's going to get through this" Andy reassured Cayden handing Audrey to him. Cayden smiled at his daughter and placed a kiss on the top of her head. Audrey needs her mother, I don't think anything will take that away from her.

"Are you the family of Autumn Purdy?" an older male doctor asked approaching us. We all stood from our seats and stared in the doctor's direction.

"I'm her father and this is her fiancé" I said pointing to Cayden. "Is there by any chance that we can see my daughter?"

"I'm afraid that's not possible. Autumn's getting ready for surgery" he said

"Surgery?! For what??!" Cayden freaked

"Well, I'm sorry to say your daughter had a miscarriage. But when we used the ultrasound we also found something in her stomach and we're going to perform an endoscopy on her."

"I'm sorry, but what is that?" I asked

"Well its a slim tube with a camera on the end and we use that to take pictures of the colon, organs, etc. Its a very simple and complex procedure, she'll be ok. A little drowsy, but no pain or anything." Cayden walked away from the doctor, leaning face first against the wall and slammed his fists against the wall. He knelt down and held his head, crying hardly. The doctor walked to the back to start with Autumn's procedure.

CC and Andy walked over to him and placed their arms over his shoulders, trying to calm him down. Cayden got up and walked towards me and I embraced him in a tight grasp, silently crying into his shoulder. And we just painted that room for his new son or daughter.

Two hours into waiting for Autumn to return from her surgery, we still heard nothing from anyone. Even Brooke! If this procedure is so "simple" and "complex" why is it taking so damn long! I looked up for a quick moment and saw Brooke walking alongside the doctor towards or direction. She didn't have a good look on her face either.

"Ashley, Cayden? The doctor wants to talk to us in his little office" Brooke said. Cayden and I both looked at each other and then proceeded to follow Brooke and the doctor down the hallway.

"Watch these three for a second" I said to Andy and CC before the door closed behind me. The doctor opened the door to this little room, type looking thing. There was a round table and four black chairs around it. We all took a seat and the doctor pulled out three papers, before sighing and rubbing his forehead.

"We did the endoscopy and it went extremely well, but there was a growth at the end of Autumn's colon. I took a sample of it and sent it to the lab. Her pathology reports came back, that being why it took an extra hour, and the reports showed that your daughter has cancer. I'm very sorry."

When I heard that word my eyes nearly popped out of the sockets, Cancer?! Cancer?! Autumn? My Autumn?! She can't! Autumn's too young! Cayden threw his head down on the table and started crying extremely hard. Brooke frowned over at me and wrapped her arms around Cayden, resting her head on his back. This can't be true! It just can't.

Living Purdy(Continuation of My Purdy Dad){COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now