Living Purdy- Show No Fear

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I walked back out from the doctor's conference room, still in shock at what he told me. Autumn has cancer! But she's too young, this can't be happening! Autumn's been healthy all her life! She eats good, drinks plenty of water. Like what the fuck, man?! Why my daughter?

"Hey! So what did they say about Autumn?" asked CC

"Cancer" I blurted out

"What?! Cancer? But she's-"

"She's too young to die, man! Autumn's a mother, a sister, and a daughter! Its too fucking soon!" I yelled sitting down on the floor and crying. Andy crouched down to my level and put a hand on my shoulder, he sighed as he looked up at the ceiling before he spoke.

"Ashley, you must show no fear to this situation. You need to stare death in the face and win the battle, for not only you, but for Autumn as well. She needs a warrior." Andy said while he slightly hugged me. He was right, I needed to be strong for Autumn. We all did, she needs us.

"There is family for Autumn Purdy?" the nurse behind the desk called

"Yes, that's us!" Brooke called walking towards the desk

"You can see your daughter now" she replied. We all sighed simultaneously before we walked through the doors and down the hallway to Autumn's recovery room. I walked in and saw her laying there looking pale and lifeless, it brought tears to my eyes. Brooke walked over to the bedside and stroked her hand through Autumn's hair.

"Autumn? Can you hear me? Its Brooke" she spoke softly. Autumn shifted in her bed a little before opening her eyes halfway and smiled at Brooke.

"Hi" Autumn croaked out

"Everyone's here. Your dad, the twins, Audrey, and Cayden. CC and Andy even came." Andy walked over to the other side of the bed and smiled down at Autumn.

"Hey, kiddo. How you feelin'?" he asked

"Just sleepy. Where's that crazy CC at?" she smiled lightly. CC smiled laughing a bit and walked over trading places with Brooke, ruffling Autumn's hair.

"I took it to the next level, CC" Autumn smiled

"Well of course, you're on the happy train right now, kid!" CC laughed tapping Autumn's nose with his index finger. I laughed a little and then stood there knowing I have to tell my daughter she has a disease.

"Uhm, you guys? Do you think I could talk with Autumn? Alone?" I asked. Everyone said "Yes" or "Of course" and left closing the curtain leaving me to carry the bad news. "Autumn..I don't know how to say this. But you-" Autumn sat up a bit, cutting me off and held out her hand.

"Dad, I already know about the baby. I lost him." Autumn frowned looking down at her hands. A boy! Andy was right. I walked over, pulling a chair with me and sat next to Autumn, rubbing her arm.

"Autumn, the doctor told us about the baby. But there's something else you need to hear too." I said. "Autumn, the doctor found a growth at the end of your stomach. They tested it and it was positive for cancer." Autumn's head quickly snapped up and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"What?! That's not true!" she defended

"Autumn, the doctor had the papers in his hand!"

"Dad, it can't be true! I'm only eighteen and I have Cayden and Audrey! What about tours and being with the guys!" Autumn cried hanging her head. I sighed getting up and wrapped my arms around my daughter. "Dad, this isn't happening."

"I know and there will be many tours to come! And you'll see the guys as much as possible. We will talk with the doctors and find out about treatments and medications, whatever it takes. We're going to have your back, Autumn."

Living Purdy(Continuation of My Purdy Dad){COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now