Living Purdy- Again Really?!

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Autumn's POV

I'm over the fact my dad drank, but what really has me fired up is that he ALMOST broke a good marriage! He better not be starting his drink and bone games again.

I was sitting on our patio reading another book when someone got my attention. Dad, ick. He walked over and sat across from me.

"Autumn, I'm sorry" he spoke. I didn't make eye contact with him, just kept reading my book. "Autumn, talk to me."

"Dad, saying sorry just won't do! When I saw you walk through that door last night with that..that girl! My whole heart just collapsed, you said no more drinks! You were done!" I stood up.

"I am! I talked to Brooke and she think about it..for awhile. But I swear on the grave this drinking isn't happening again." That's bull! Once he starts he can't stop.

"I believed it once and you failed me! Just leave me alone!" I screamed all a sudden I felt dizzy and next it went black.

"Autumn? Autumn, can you hear us?" I heard Cayden's voice. I opened my eyes and felt something up my nose? I looked down and saw I was in the hospital on oxygen.

"Cayden? What happened?" I asked looking around

"You blacked out and weren't responding. So we rushed you to the hospital" my dad spoke up. I looked over and saw him standing by the door.

"Ah, Miss Purdy. You're awake, that's good. Are you feeling ok?" a tall male doctor asked stepping in.

"Uhm, ok I guess. Can you tell me what's going on?"

"Well we ran some blood tests and it turns out you're pregnant!"

"Pregnant?!" Cayden and my dad said in unison. That can't be! I got my period!

"But I had a period! This can't be! Run another test!"

"Was it spotty? If so, that might of been the egg attaching itself to the uterine wall. And during some early signs of pregnancy women sometimes black out. If you want we can run another test." I can't be pregnant again! I start school in a few days!!

"No, I just want my discharge papers! I can take another test at home." The doctor walked out and left me with one pissed father and one highly upset boyfriend.

"I bet you're not even pregnant. Hospitals always screw up results, its fine." Cayden rubbed my back

"I swear if she's pregnant again I will slice your dick off!" my dad walked over and pinned Cayden against the wall.

"Ahem, excuse me" such perfect timing when the nurse walks in with my papers. Awkward turtle. I signed my name, got dressed and walked to our car. I just want to go home and sleep.

"We're stopping at the drug store" my dad said starting the car. Dammit!

Living Purdy(Continuation of My Purdy Dad){COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now