Living Purdy- Cuff Him

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Ashley's POV

Ugh, what the hell did I do last night? I feel like I got run over by a truck. I opened my eyes, but quickly shut them due to the burning sunlight. Shit! I drank last night and got drunk! Dammit, Ashley! You're such an idiot!

I looked around the bedroom and noticed Brooke wasn't in sight at all. She's probably beyond pissed at me, I fucked up. I crawled out of bed and walked into the bathroom turning on the sink. I splashed my face with cold water and looked at my reflection. Yep! Definitely hungover.

After that I walked downstairs into the kitchen and saw Brooke cooking up breakfast and Autumn was feeding Audrey. Neither one of them said a word to me. Brooke turned around and set a plate of eggs in front of Autumn.

"Here you go, Autumn" she smiled before turning to me. That smile quickly faded. "Ashley.." I sat at the table and rested my chin on my hand. Please don't let this lead to a divorce.

I sighed getting up and walked over to the coffee pot pouring myself a cup. I stood there drinking it letting the hot liquid run down my throat. It made me feel somewhat better. I stood there looking out the window thinking: How can I fix this?

"I don't know if you guys realized, but there is a naked girl in the yard." Cayden said walking in. What?! We ran outside and there she was, the girl from last night! Naked!

"Autumn, did you do this!?" Brooke yelled

"Haha! Yes I did!" Autumn smiled proudly walking out to the yard. She grabbed the hose and squirted the girl with water waking her up. "Here's your clothes! Now get off of my lawn!" Autumn shouted throwing clothes at her.

Autumn marched inside the house and slammed the door shut. Brooke looked over at me glaring before following Autumn. I'm definitely getting a divorce. I ran inside and followed Brooke up to our room.

"Brooke!" I called after her. She just ignored me walking over to our bed. "Brooke, talk to me!"

"Why?! You had a lot of nerve to go out and get drunk like that! A lot of nerve, Ashley! You bringing home some random skank just really pushed me over the edge!" she screamed

"I'm truly sorry! Brooke, I mean it when I say I am. You don't know what I've been dealing with since Cayden walked into the picture."

"Stop blaming that poor kid! All he ever wants to do is make your daughter happy! But you keep stopping her. Sure he screwed up a few times, but Cayden has a good heart and wants Autumn. Just let them be happy, Ash. Autumn wasn't happy when we got together, but she got over it and we're happy. She's happy for us! Can't you return the favor?!"

My wife was absolutely right. I remember how upset Autumn was when I told her how I felt about Brooke. Maybe I've been thinking too negative of Cayden too much. Maybe he didn't pressure Autumn. Brooke stood there staring at me with a waiting look.

"You're right. I'll let her be happy and step off, let Autumn be the adult she is." Brooke smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you. But you're not off the hook just yet, Purdy."

"What?" Brooke smirked at me and pinned me down on the bed. She giggled at me and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. I like where this is headed.

"You wanna be bad like the little 'Outlaw' you are, huh? Well let's just take care of that shall we?" I smirked leaning up and kissed my wife roughly.

Brooke stopped and sat up cuffing my hands to our bed post. Once she was done Brooke attached her lips back to mine.

"Oh! I have a surprise for you!" Brooke said getting up

"You do? Well go get it" I smirked. Brooke walked out of the room giggling.

I laid there for forty five minutes still waiting for Brooke. Then it hit me! Duh! Punishment, Ash! I tried moving my hands around, but no luck.

"Ashley?! Uhh, what's going on?" Cayden stopped by the bedroom door.

"Cayden! Help me! Brooke hancuffed me to the bed and left me." Cayden just laughed at me and walked back to his room. Nice son in law!

"Having fun, babe?" I looked up and saw Brooke standing there smirking at me.

"Oh! Tons! Just laying here cuffed to my bed!" I pouted. Brooke laughed at me walking over and let me loose.

"Yeah, now you'll know what'll happen the next day after a night of drinking." Oh shit!

Living Purdy(Continuation of My Purdy Dad){COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now