Chapter 1

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A silver haired woman opened the parchment paper, golden eyes skimming over the contents before letting out a small sigh.

She reached over for a blank sheet of paper and proceeded to grind out the black ink. The woman wrote a few words, simple and straight to the point, and tied it to the black crow perched on her windowsill.

"Deliver it to your master."

Her body turned back to face her room, moving in search of her two weapons. There would be no need for food, she could always hunt along the way.

She slipped the letter into her sleeve before departing out the old wooden shack, looking back one last time as she knew it would be covered in greenery the next time she came.


On the fifth night of her travels, she came across a masked man. Clad in a black, buttoned up, top and a striped haori, he approached the silvered one with deadly intent.

"A demon walking out so blatantly in the night," He glared. "Your arrogance makes me want to gag."

He surged forward, drawing his blade smoothly with years of practice. 

But as he swung his sword at the so called 'demon', what should have met with flesh was held back with one measly finger. Not even a cut could be seen.

"Impudent being. Has your master not informed you of my arrival."

Pushing the sword back, a pale clawed hand disappeared into the opposite sleeve and brought out the same parchment she read just a few days ago. She tossed it over to the black haired man to read.

He skims the contents and shoves it back to the original recipient.

"I don't trust you, so you're going to follow me."

"I refuse. Following you would take more than the promised seven days it would take to arrive."

"Don't lie to me, demon," The slayer spat. "Oyakata-sama's house is more than two weeks north of this road."

"I thought you humans were smarter than this." She states, aggravated by his persistence.

The white haired woman lays a hand on the hilt of her sword, readying herself for an attack, and he does the same.

"You seem to forget that I am not human."

A body, skin blue with a mouth dripping with saliva, walked out the forest. Its eyes latched onto the demon slayer, but before it could even take a step, a sword lodged itself into the demon's windpipe. 

"But I am not one of these disgusting scum either."

The demon suffers a painful existence, constantly regenerating around the sword. It claws and pulls at the blade, struggling to breathe.

Gold eyes glare down at it, looking at it no more than a piece of filth.

"Aiming for the throat is a slow death for humans, and an unconventional one for demons. If one does not die because of blood loss, it is usually due to suffocation as their airway is filled with liquid."

She walks lazily over to the writhing body as it stills, pulling her sword out in one swift movement. The blade is cleansed of the demon's blood as it stains the ground beside him instead.

"Though torturous, it is a way of killing them without those weapons of yours."

Her eyes glow blue and his sclera is tainted with red.

"Would you get in my way if it meant dying like this thing too?"


{[ Taisho Secrets ]}

Kanjō would have been at the Ubuyashiki estate by now if she wasn't taking so many naps along the way.

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