Chapter 3

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Kanjō hummed in approval, quite pleased with the fact that her name was still known. It wasn't everyday in this era that humans still recognized her, most had taken her for a lowly demon like the rest of the Hashira had.

She hated that.

"Let me humbly say, there is a soldier present in the Hashira meeting by the name of Kamado Tanjiro that has brought a demon."

And she especially hated people like Sanemi.

"I would like to explain the scenario, will Oyakata-sama allow me?"

Kanjō was suddenly interested in the purpose of the meeting. The red haired boy who's face is forced to the ground has a demon with him. Now that she thinks about it, his scent mingled with another's. A light floral smell, she figured, much more prominent from the box at Sanemi's side.

The scent of the boy's was more peculiar. Though she couldn't remember who's, it was familiar to someone she had met before.

"I see. I'm sorry he has surprised you all." Kagaya spoke softly. "But I have given my approval for Tanjiro and Nezuko, so I want everyone here to accept them."

Kanjō lifted her sleeve, covering the growing smirk on her lips. The shocked faces of the Hashira were simply too amusing for her heart.

Many of the Hashira voice out their refusals.

"Ahh...even if Oyakata-sama wishes us to do so," The giant man starts crying. "I'm reluctant to give consent..."

The albino with a jeweled headband points to himself with a thumb. "I also flamboyantly oppose this. I can never accept a demon slayer who brings demons along."

"I will abide by Oyakata-sama's wishes." Said a woman who's pink hair faded to green.

A, wait. A boy looks up at Kagaya listlessly. "Either way is fine for me. I'll just forget right away..."

Two of the Hashira keep quiet.

"Don't trust them. Don't trust them." Obanai says. "We all hate demons to begin with."

"I respect you from deep within, but I can't understand your thinking!! I completely oppose this!!" A flame haired man spoke loudly.

Sanemi gritted his teeth, the evident hate for demons seeping out and becoming all the more clearer.

"We are demon slayers who annihilate all demons. I wish to punish both Tanjiro and Tomioka."

Kagaya turns to face his right and speaks to the girl.

"Now, the letter."


The rustling of the paper has Kanjō's attention now, the scent of a mountain reminds her of a young man she had met.

'​​​​​So that kid is still alive, huh?'

"We received this letter from the former Hashira, Urokodaki Sakonji-sama. I will read an extract from it."

She takes a breath.

"_____Please forgive Tanjiro for being with a demon. Nezuko has a tenacious spirit and retains some human reasoning. Even when she's starving she doesn't eat humans, and she has stayed that way for more than two years. You may find this sudden and difficult to believe, but this is the unmistakeable truth. If by any chance Kamado Nezuko ever attacks someone....Kamado Tanjiro as well as Urokodaki Sakonji and Tomioka Giyuu will commit sepukku as an apology...."

It stays silent for a few moments until Sanemi chooses to speak once again.

"...What should I say if they're gonna kill themselves. If they want to die, they can just die and rot away. There is no guarantee in all this."

"Shinazugawa is correct here!" A loud voice speaks. "If she kills and eats someone, nothing can be undone!! The people that got killed will never come back!"

Kanjō lays a hand on one of the swords at her waist. Though she may want to prove him wrong, she doesn't take to letting secrets be revealed, especially her own.

So she bites back a retort that almost slips out her mouth, her mood a bit sour.

Kagaya turns toward the woman, hearing the faint sound of the metal clinking together, just to make sure of what he should say next. Seeing that she touches the weapon and is not speaking up, he turns his gaze back to the two Hashira.

"That is very true. They can't guarantee or prove she won't attack people, but....."

Suddenly, Kagaya's words are carried with a heavier effect.

" can't prove she'll attack someone either."

The girl passes the letter to his awaiting hand as he gently folds it back.

"The truth is that Nezuko has been living without eating people for more than two years. And because of her, two people are putting their lives on the line. To deny this, the deniers have to present something more than what is here."



"Besides, Tanjiro has come into contact with Kibutsuji."

Everyone reacts to the statement almost instantly, surging towards the boy in a rush. The pink haired girl, Kanjō observes, is knocked over by the man next to her. She watches as the girl is pulled back up by the man in the halved haori.

"That can't be..."

"We Hashira haven't even come into contact with him...!!"

"And this guy had?!?!"

The noise...the excessive noise irritated Kanjō more than she had thought. The jarring voices droned on and on and on. It did no favors for her, but she wasn't allowed to silence any of them. Not with authority nor with killing.

"What did he look like!? His abilities!? Where is he??"

"Did you fight?"

"What was Kibutsuji doing!?"

Suddenly, the voices merged, and a chaos of sound drowned her ears.


"Cancel out the noise, Kanjō. Shut everything out besides my voice."


"Now close your eyes."


"And breathe."


Kanjō, now stable, opens her eyes and begins to listen once again. This time, she could only hear a single voice, and was glad.

"We can let humans live. But demons must not. I cannot consent, especially to the one sitting next to you now!"

Until now she heard the scarred man's voice yet again.

Sanemi cuts an opening into his arm with his sword, the blood dripping down to the ground.

'A Marechi...' She thinks as her eyes narrow, covering her nose with the end of her sleeve. 'What a putrid smell.'


{[ Taisho Secrets ]}

Sesshomaru is quite fond of Kanjō. He smiles at his sister a lot and gave her Tenseiga as a birthday gift.

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