• thirteen •

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     Donna invited me to come over for dinner on Wednesday evening

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Donna invited me to come over for dinner on Wednesday evening. It was sweet, especially since I felt like I hadn't seen her in a while and we lived incredibly close to one another now in comparison to when I lived in Orlando. Of course, even then I had only been a forty-five minute drive, but with no car it wasn't like I could just scurry my way down to Winter Haven without any second thoughts.

Once I arrived, I quickly realized that it wasn't just Donna I was meeting, rather Debbie and Jackie as well. Now, I was more excited to hang out, knowing that I hadn't seen them since my first week here. Knocking on the front door, it took a few moments before the door was pulled open, Donna grinning.

"Hi, Maggie!" she grinned.

"Hey, how's it going?"

"So good!" she nodded, inviting me inside.

The kids were running around, Jules and Johnny stopping to run over to me. I thought it was cute, my arms wrapping around both of them once I crouched down. Donna shut the door behind us, Jules and Johnny appearing extremely excited to see me. They asked how my day was, if I was hungry, and then asked if my hair was really my hair. The last one was a funny question, and I thought it was especially funny since they had already asked about it in the past.

"I'm a little hungry," I started to tell them. "My day went well for the most part. And of course this is my real hair, silly kiddos."

"Okay, fine!" Jules giggled. "Mommy is making dinner soon!"

"Yeah!" Johnny nodded.

"Great! I can't wait! Why don't you go play with Klein and Maxwell?"

The two nodded, running after the two boys who were chasing one another. I could tell that they headed down the hall, probably making their way to Jules' or Johnny's room. It left the four of us out here, Debbie and Jackie sitting on the sofa. I took a seat in one of the decorative living room chairs while Donna sat in the recliner.

"So," Jackie started. "Donna tells me you work with Harry Styles. Tell me everything I need to know!"

"I want all the juicy details!" Debbie continued after. "Is he hot? Does he sound even better in person? What's he like?"

It made me laugh. Of course, I knew Donna had asked similar questions. She wanted to know how my job was, but when I told her I worked with Harry she was fixated on what he was like, so, it was no surprise that Debbie and Jackie were exactly the same.

"I'll tell you that he's attractive," I started, being honest. "I mean, he's not a bad looking man."

"So you like him?" Jackie pressed.

"No!" I laughed.

"You said that too quickly," Debbie told me. "I have to know, have you guys hung out?"

"I see him every day," I told her.

"No," Jackie sighed. "I think what Debbie means is obviously you see him at work. Do you guys hang out when you aren't at work?"

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