• thirty-one •

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a/n: saw Harry at ono basically at barricade with some of my best friends. i am still in absolute shock. instead of a picture for the chapter i attached a few pictures i took of him. people have told me he was wearing an outfit dawnrry would and i could not agree more.

  people have told me he was wearing an outfit dawnrry would and i could not agree more

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It would be a lie to say I wasn't tired the next morning. Of course, I blamed the fact that I didn't get back to my house until at least eleven, and by the time I had the actual chance to sleep it was midnight, if not later. The thought would have been irritating had it not been for Harry. After all, he had left me with french toast to heat up for breakfast, and it was probably one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for me. I mean, I was used to people being kind, but even in his early mornings, he was always certain to make sure I had anything and everything that I would need to get my day going.

Walking into the station a few minutes before nine in the morning, I was incredibly happy to see Grenadine. She was always such a highlight to my mornings, and I knew it was because she was never in a bad mood. I wondered what it was like to be so cheerful all the time, but I figured it had something to do with the fact that everyone was kind to her here and she had a loving family at home as well. She looked excited to see me, grabbing a stack of papers off of her desk and glancing around. I was a little bit confused as to what she was doing, but soon enough she was smiling at me, handing the pages over.

"You'll need these for the assignment Mr. Watson is going to give you. Just so you know."

I glanced down to see they were magazines, and not just a bunch of random pages like I had thought they were originally. Although, when I glanced over each of the pieces, I realized that they were each different issues of the same magazine. It was Radio Weekly, and they had been known to do interviews with popular hosts such as Howard Stern who were big name talk show hosts in radio. But, I had no idea what it would do to benefit me if I had them.

"I know you're always here to help me, so thank you, Grenadine. Even though I have no clue what this means."

"Oh, you'll see," she laughed.

Nodding, I made my way down the hall to Mr. Watson's office. While Grenadine didn't directly tell me that he would want to speak to me, I figured it was what she was implying when she spoke about an assignment that he wished to give me. Heading toward his office, I passed by the window that Harry was sitting behind. He didn't see me right away because he was busy looking down at a piece of paper, but when he looked up, he sent me a wave. I did my best to send one back with all of the magazines in my hands, the two of us smiling at one another before I disappeared down the hallway. Once I made it to the end, I found myself knocking on Mr. Watson's door, waiting for him to tell me I could come in to walk inside.

"Come in, come in!" he called.

Pushing the door open, I saw Mr. Watson sitting at his desk with his glasses on. It was clear he was reviewing something, and I realized that he also had a magazine in his hands. Taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk, I placed the magazines that I was holding in the seat beside me. For a few moments, I sat there patiently, knowing that he was probably finishing up with whatever he was reading. And finally, he set the magazine down on his desk in front of him, followed by taking off his glasses and placing them on the desk as well.

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