• thirty-two •

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a/n: surprise update. also this means the fun chapter comes on Sunday heheh

     Of course, I was struggling to figure out what I should wear

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     Of course, I was struggling to figure out what I should wear.  It was my normal issue, and while I had called Donna and asked what she was wearing, it didn't necessarily help me all that much.  I knew that her style for going out and my style for going out was different.  Even Debbie and Jackie were different as well.  For example, there were part of the girlies who enjoyed wearing all the bright colors that the 80s had to offer, whereas I was only interested in dark tones when it came to going out.

As I stared at my closet, I tried to think of the best option.  Did I want to wear a corset? Did I want to wear a dress? I had absolutely no idea what I was feeling this evening, but I then remembered that Harry was also going to be the one picking me up from Jackie's house later this evening.  It meant that I needed to look somewhat presentable.  Not that I never looked presentable, but I just felt like I had to do a little more than if I were only seeing my friends. 

Though, the more I thought about it, the more I wondered why that thought had even crossed my mind at all.  Sure, I cared about the guy–it was hard not to when he was willing to stay at my house on the weekends while a murderer ran about, when he was willing to protect me from men who had no business getting handsy with me, and when he was willing to buy me random gifts as an act of kindness.  I think it would be weird if I didn't care about him in some form, however, I wasn't certain what the extent of it was.  Did I like him as a friend, or was I starting to wonder what more with him would be like?

Trying to push the thought out of my mind as quickly as it had intruded, I found myself deciding on a pair of tights to start the outfit–of course, it was the pair that Harry had gotten for me.  I had others, but I figured that this was the best bet considering they were new and didn't have any possible rips in the seams the way some of my others did.  After I had pulled on the tights, I grabbed a mini skirt, pulling it up my legs and then zipping it.  Instead of trying to go with the corset look, I decided on an Iron Maiden T-shirt.  Pulling on my Doc Martens, I found myself heading out of my closet to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

Donna was supposed to pick me up around eight, but she was running a little late considering it was nearly quarter past that time.  I found myself trying to read a book on the sofa while I waited for her, and finally, around eight-twenty, she arrived at my door.  Quickly grabbing my bag, I made sure I had my keys before I pulled my door shut, a grin on her face as we both walked to the car.

"I am so excited!" she told me.

"I am also!" I grinned.  "Finally, just a girl's night."

She nodded.  "I am also excited that Jackie said I could stay at her place if I get too wasted.  However, my goal is to not get super wasted since I did yesterday and I have been recovering all day from it."

"Oh, I didn't know she would let us stay over," I stated, pulling the car door open and getting in.

"What do you mean?" Donna laughed.

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