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ARTICLE 5: Reinstatement of Team Rainbow

With Rainbow now needed more than ever, Aurelia Arnot reactivated Rainbow in 2015. In early 2018, Arnot created the CBRN Threat Unit within Rainbow to counteract the growing threat of biological and chemical threats. A few months later, she created the Urban Tactical Response Team as Rainbow's testbed for operations in dense urban centers. The new unit drew on such expertise as riot-officers for mob behavior and intelligence operators for converting local assets and building allied networks.


In the Baffin Bay, a luxury yacht has crashed into an iceberg breaching the hull. Rainbow has been sent to secure the stranded vessel as an unidentified submarine has docked near the vessel.


Team Rainbow has been called in to assist the local law enforcement and regain control of the border. Two Navy SEALs stationed in the area have been enlisted to provide their expertise of the region to Team Rainbow.


Team Rainbow has been called to pacify and regain control of the Favela. Two BOPEs stationed in the area have been enlisted to provide their tactical expertise of the terrain to Team Rainbow.


Team Rainbow has been called to neutralize a Yakuza war brewing high above the streets of Nagoya, Japan. Two of the S.A.T.'s brightest Operators have been mobilized to provide their unique insight and tactical expertise.

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