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Real Name: Seamus Cowden

D.O.B April 2nd (Age 35) 

Place of birth: John O'Groats, Scotland

Primaries: L85A2 / M590A1

Secondaries: P226 MK 25 / SMG-11

Gadgets: Frag Grenade / Stun Grenade

Tactical Breaching Hammer


"Coming through!"

Born in the far north of Scotland, Cowden's military father and nurse mother moved to Inverness with him and his three siblings when he was five. His athleticism elevated him to the position of Captain of the 1998 Scotland Under-20s Rugby Union Team. Following a long family tradition of military service, Cowden joined the 3rd UK Mechanised Division of the British Army. His drive and physique suit the division's historical nickname of "Iron Sides." Cowden's first assignment was in the Armoured Division where he studied engineering and specialized in upgrading the infantry combat vehicles. From there, he developed various breaching tactics. He was then recruited into the SAS, where he holds multiple records in speed and strength. An expert in mechanical, ballistic, explosive and thermal breaching strategies, Cowden is the operator to choose for quick and relatively silent destruction.


It's part of my job to understand where the country shapes the person and Specialist Seamus "Sledge" Cowden seems indelibly shaped by the rugged terrain where he was born. It isn't just his imposing presence and athleticism. I can't help but feel that his personality evokes the wilderness as well. He's stoic and proud, though admits that he can be hot-headed at times. Field reports describe his courage, leadership, and extensive operational experience as much as they mention his unpredictability. He's much more than a "gentle giant" as some suggest. [...]

Cowden is something of a raconteur, and for much of our discussion he told me one rowdy tale after another. When he was twelve he cobbled a hang glider together out of boat sails and launched himself off his house. He broke both ankles. During military training, he accidentally collapsed his entire sleeping barrack while testing a new breaching technique, and another time he sank a captain's motorcycle by riding it off the pier because he wanted to see how far it would travel on the surface – not far, I gather. His stories aren't just to entertain. They help to establish a comfortable connection. It's such a casual, offhand leadership style. [...]

Cowden views his fellow operators as family, Specialist Mike "Thatcher" Baker in particular, who he credits for convincing him to switch to the Caber. Numerous Rainbow operators refer to Sledge as one of the easiest operators to work with. [...]

Overall, Cowden is easy-going and unpretentious, though he gets ruffled at the mention of politics. A self-proclaimed news junkie, he doesn't shy away from debates. In fact, it's the reason he joined the military, and why one of his brothers is currently an elected MP. Cowden understands that while on assignment Rainbow operators don't voice their political opinions and so far there hasn't been any issue. We should trust that he can control his hot-headedness. At least before he's down at the pub.

-- Dr. Harishva "Harry" Pandey, Director of Rainbow

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