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REAL NAME: Sebastien Côté

DATE OF BIRTH: August 20th (Age 36)


Primaries: C8-SFW / CAMRS

Secondaries: MK1 9MM

Gadgets: Stun Grenade

Unique Ability: Skeleton Key


"Follow me. I know a shortcut."

Côté comes from a long line of military veterans and served in the Canadian Reserves throughout university. After graduating with a degree in Criminology, he enlisted full time in the Canadian Armed Forces and was assigned to the Military Police. His specialized training in high-risk situations, both long- and close-range, marine rescue, and armed ship boarding made him a strong candidate for the RCMP Emergency Response Team.

Even after his acceptance into the world-renowned special operations force JTF2, Côté has continued to expand his repertoire of skills, including high-speed tactical driving on both land and water, hazardous materials management, and hostage rescue. When under stress, he exhibits self-discipline and adaptive thinking. His friendly and intuitive leadership style makes him one of the more flexible team members. Along with French and English, Côté speaks fluent Pashto and is currently enrolled in Kanien'kéha (Mohawk) studies for personal interest.


Specialist Sebastien "Buck" Côté is one of those easy-going people who can settle into any conversation and make everyone comfortable. I enjoy our sessions together. In our first encounters, he was formal but not necessarily closed off. I can see why, in social settings, he's described as laid-back. In the field, his tendency to meld well with a wide range of people is recognized by those with a tactical eye, but is appreciated by all who work with him. [...]

Côté has an adventurous spirit and, for someone who is a veteran of the forces, approaches his work with fresh enthusiasm. He was raised with tales of his voyageur ancestors who paddled the rivers across Canada, worked as fur trappers, and helped map the north for the railroad and mining industries. He told me he only recently discovered that his great-grandfather almost drowned in rapids but was rescued by his Mohawk friend. If it hadn't been for this friend, Côté's father wouldn't have been born. So as thanks, Côté told me, he plans to learn the language.

This is a great illustration of Côté at his core. Though he is eager to make a difference in the world, his approach is sensible and realistic. He works toward actual results and the effort required doesn't deter him. [...]

He grew up in close-knit family, the middle of three. I gather the entire family is very physically active and Côté says most of his activities are centred around the outdoors. That said, he was happy to share his fascination with mechanical puzzles. It's an intricate maze of metal pieces that fit together and the challenge is to reassemble them. Côté told me that his uncle taught him how to make them and he's been doing it ever since. The one he showed me was not only designed by him, but Côté machined the pieces as well. Being able to design and craft this type of complex structure demonstrates Côté's analytical mind and artistry. I just wish that he hadn't left it with me. It's proving embarrassingly difficult for me to solve.

-- Dr. Harishva "Harry" Pandey, Director of Rainbow

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