~Chapter 2~

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~Daisy's POV~

It is now 5:30 and I'm almost done with my chores.

I start walking towards the kitchen. I wonder what they are making for dinner.

I walk into the kitchen and see everybody working on something. It looks like there making spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread. I walk over to one of the maids.

"Excuse me what would you like me to do?" I ask. She turns around and looks at me with decust.

"Why are you talking to me. You can go set the table." She said with disgust.

"Yes, Ma'am," I said. At least I don't have to be in the same room as them. They are all stuck-up little roaches with daddy's money.

I walk in the dining room and walk over to the cubberd and grab the fancy place setting stuff.

As I walk around the table I think about Alpha of the Silver Moon pack. What if they want me to serve them and I accidentally spill something on him. I will get punished by him and by Alpha Dylan.

I wish my dad was here. Miss him. The last time I saw him was when he died. I was 5. It's been 13 years. That was one of the worst days of my life.

I grab the cups and start walking around the table putting a cup at each spot.

When I was at the last place setting. I was putting the cup down when all of a sudden someone came into the room yelling at me. Making me drop the cup drop to the floor making it shatter.

It was Justin. "What the hell are you doing in here. He's supposed to be here any minute." He said while walking towards me.

"T-the m-aids t-told me to set t-the t-table," I said while walking backward trying to get away from him.

He grabbed My wrists and pushed me against the wall. Let me just say that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick. It also doesn't help that my back has whip marks all across it.

"Listen here you little bitch. How many times have I told you to not come in here when other packs are coming." He said while getting really close to my face.

I do not remember him saying that at all. Everything I do is bad and I get punished for it.

"Your punishment is going to be a lot worse now." He said while kissing my neck. I hate my life I just wish It was over.

But before my dad died he said to stay strong. I have to stay strong for him.

"Go to your room and stay there until the Alpha leaves. We will deal with you later." While biting my neck.

He pushed me to the door. Which made me fall over on my already twisted ankle.

I walk upstairs and go straight to my bathroom and lock it. I'm terrified. The last time they told me to go to my room. Was one of the worst punishments I have ever gotten. But not the worst.

~Xander's POV~


I hate going to other packs that I'm not close with. But they asked me if I wanted to form an alliance with them.

So here I am driving with my Beta. Cole. I've heard things about the lunar pack and not all of them are good.

As we pull up I get this weird feeling in my chest like something is going to happen. It's probably because I haven't gone on a run in a while.

We walk up the steps and knock on the door.

Someone opens the door. It's an oldish-looking lady. She has grey hair that's in a bun thing, she has a maid outfit looking thing.

"Hello Alpha, Beta. Welcome. You can follow me to the dining room." She said sounding like she rehearsed it.

As we walk I notice this place has no decorations anywhere. I mean I don't really decorate but still. It's kinda depressing.

It's also really clean.

We walk into the dining room. It's pretty small compared to mine. I look down and notice there's a broken cup on the floor. Weird.

Once we sit down we wait for like 20 minutes. I hope this fucker comes soon. I don't like waiting I'm a very impatient person.

"How long do think this will take?" Cole mind links me.

"Why are you asking me?" I tell him with a scoff. Dumb ass.

We wait for another 10 minutes.

"I'm sorry for the wait. We had a little problem with one of our sluts" Said Alpha Dylan. I already hate this guy.

"How about we start eating dinner before we talk business." He said while sitting down.

He calls in his 'maids' and they start serving us our dinner. Most of them are looking at me up and down. And wearing close to nothing.

Dinner is tearable. I'm not one to complain. But. They overcooked it to an extreme.

I noticed that his Beta isn't here. What the hell.

"Why do you need my help?" I ask him. I don't want to be here anymore.

"Let's just say I'm having a little problem with rouges." He said.

All of the sudden his Beta barges into the room and sits in his chair.

"Sorry I'm late we had a little problem." He said while stuffing his face with food.

For the rest of the dinner, we don't talk at all.

"Where the hell are the maids?" Alpha Dylan whispers to his Beta. Which I heard.

"I don't know. I sent Daisy to her room." Beta Justin said in a whisper.

"Go get her now." Alpha Dylan said.

His Beta left. I wonder who Daisy is. Why does that name sound so familiar.

A few minutes later I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

And that's when I smell the most wonderful smell ever. Vanilla, coconut, and strawberries. But the strawberries is the strongest.

'Mate' my wolf growled. 'our fucking mate'

It smells like heaven. I close my eyes smelling the air.

I hear people enter the room. I open my eyes and I instantly want to kill every mother fucker that touched her.

She has bruises all over her beautiful face. And bite marks on her neck. Someone had their nasty lips on her. She's tiny. I see tears rolling down her cheeks. I lost it.

I stand up and walk straight for that mother fucker. No one touches what's mine.

I punch him square in the nose. He groaned in pain. I grabbed the front of his shirt and pushed him against the nearest wall. And punched him again.

"What the hell are you doing?" Alpha Dylan asks very madly.

I look over at my mate and see that she's terrified and shaking with fear.

'what are you doing Xander?' Cole mind links me.

'My mate.' I said

My beautiful mate. I've finally found her.

(A/n hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it's kinda random. Sorry.) :)

Fun fact about me - I have brown hair and blue eyes. So that's fun.

Question of the day - if you could travel anywhere. Where would you go?

Word count 1210

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