~Chapter 8~

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I'm so sorry that I haven't updated recently I have been struggling with health and other stuff so yeah hope you enjoy it.

~Xander's POV~

I sigh as I walk downstairs to the kitchen where the medicine is.

Why is she so scared of me? I would never hurt her.

Hurting mate would be wrong.

'You should hurt the people that hurt mate'

Fuck, I wish I would have killed them when I had the chance.

I feel myself getting angry which is not the time. I need to get back mate.

I can't believe I have a mate!

I've waited for years for this.

I was slowly giving up hope as the years went by and there was no sign of mate.

But I know that moon goddess knew what she was doing.

I have a mate.

I slowly calm down and grab the meds that Cole just dropped off because I forgot to grab them from the pack doctor.

I grab the white paper bag with all of the bottles of meds and a glass of water.

I slowly walk up the stairs carefully to not spill the water.

I walk to our bedroom and open the door to see no one on the bed.

What the fuck!

I slowly look down the see a small body on the floor curled in a ball shaking.

I walk over to her and put the cup and the bag on the nightstand.

I slowly pick her up and place her on the bed and gently shake her to wake her up.

I don't want to wake her but she needs to take her meds.

"Sweetheart I need you to wake up," I say softly in her ear.

She starts to steer in her sleep and then all of the sudden she jumps up and screams and keeps saying sorry over and over again.

"Shh shh it's ok baby it's ok. What's wrong?"

"I-am s-sorry. I-i d-didn't m-mean t-to. I-i d-didn't k-know." She gasps.

"Hey hey, what didn't you know?"

"I-im s-sorry...." She grips her hair in her hands from the roots.

Fuck she's going to hurt herself

I gently grab her wrists and pull them down from her hair.

"I need you to calm down and breathe for me. Ok? Can you do that?"

She tenses up and then slowly nods her head up and down.

"Follow my breathing. Ok?"

She tries to take deep breaths but struggles.

I see a few tears fall down her cheeks. I feel a pain in my heart knowing if I touch her she will just be more scared of me.

"Take a deep breath and slowly let it out."

She nods her head and slowly takes a breath then let's go with a shaky breath.

"There you go, good girl," I say as she closes her eyes and takes another breath.

I move a little closer because the urge is so strong to hold her and Ace is just pounding in my head telling me to get closer.

Her breath finally calms down after a few long minutes.

His abused mateWhere stories live. Discover now