~Chapter 6~

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~Xander's POV~

it's been hours since we got back to the packhouse.

Right, when we got back I put my Mate in the Hospital wing of the packhouse.

It's now late afternoon three days later. I haven't left her side until now. I had to eat something and take a shower.

I wasn't going to originally but Cole said I should get cleaned up so when she wakes up so I won't be disgusting.

I told Dr. Cassie to tell me if she wakes up while I'm showering.

I walk up the stairs to the Alpha floor. I can't wait to share this with her.

I walk into my bathroom and start the shower.

I get in the shower and rinse off my body.

While I'm washing my hair someone tries to mind links me.

I open the mind link.

'Alpha she's awake.' Dr. Cassie said while mind linking me.

'I'm on my way.' I say to her.

I quickly wash out all of the shampoos from my hair.

I get out and run into my room without even putting a towel around my waist.

I put on boxers, a tee-shirt, black jeans, and my shoes.

I practically dart out of my room to the hospital wing.

When I get to the room I take a deep breath. I'm finally going to meet my Mate.

I open the door and look at the bed right away, nothing else.

I see my mate breathing fast and looking terrified.

I walk over to her and crouch down right next to the bed.

Damn, she smells amazing.

She isn't looking me in the eyes.

Why isn't she looking me in the eyes?

I try to hold her hand but she yanks it away and starts to breathe even faster.

"Please look at me," I said as softly as I could.

She still keeps her gaze on her lap.

"Look at me," I said. I just need to see her eyes again.

She still doesn't.

"Talk to me." I at least need to hear her voice.

She doesn't say anything or looks at me.

"Please," I said.

Still nothing.

I grab her hand. I feel the sparks and tingles that run through my hand and arm.

She screams and gets off the bed and runs to the corner under the window.

She has her knees up to her chest and hides her face by laying her head on her knees. Breathing very fast.

I start to walk over to her and someone pulls me back by the arm.

This makes me mad.

I turn around and see Dr. Cassie.

"Alpha I know you want to be with her right now. But your overwhelming her." She said while still holding my arm.

"Don't fücking tell your Alpha what to do," I said while practically yelling at her.

All of a sudden Cole barges into the room and walks over to me.

"You need to calm down you're scaring her." He said while pointing over to her.

I turn around and meet the most beautiful blue eyes ever.

She's definitely my Mate.

I slowly walk over to her and crouch down in front of her. All while holding eye contact.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Can you please tell me your name?" I said softly.

She still looks terrified. But she's looking at me at least.

She opens her mouth but closes it immediately after.

"Daisy." She said so quietly that I almost couldn't hear her.

"Daisy, can you tell me how old you are?" I said. I noticed right when I said her name she shuttered.

"I-im 1-17." She said in that same small voice.

"I'm Xander. I'm your Mate." I said while sitting next to her.

She moved even closer to the wall. I didn't even think that was possible.

"Can I hold your hand?" I asked.

She shook her head no.

"A-alpha X-Xander." She said. When she said my name it sent tingles down my body.

"Yes?" I say softly

"C-can y-you t-take m-me h-home. P-please." She said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

That broke my heart. Just seeing tears in her eyes.

But also made me pissed. She wanted to go back to that hell hole.

I started growling. But stopped right away when I saw her looking even more terrified than she was.

"I'm not taking you back there. You're my Mate now. You will stay here. Where no one can hurt you again." I said while still looking at her.

"P-please. H-he'll c-come a-and f-find m-me. T-then k-kill m-me." She said while tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I won't let that happen. Your safe here." I said as softly as possible but when you're mad.

"P-please h-he'll k-kill m-me. I-i've s-seen h-him d-do i-it." She said while choking on her tears.

What does she mean by she's seen him do it? Did he force her to watch him kill people?

"He won't. I promise. I will never let anything bad happen to you again. I promise." I said.

No one will ever hurt my baby girl again. No one. And the people that did will pay for it.

(A/n hope you enjoyed this chapter. Who's POV do you want next?) (:

Fun fact about me is that I have brown hair and blue eyes.

Random I know

Question of the day - what color eyes and hair do you have?

Please give me feedback

Word count 938

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