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Akuma POV

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Akuma POV

I... can't lose just yet! She chopped my head so what?! I can still regrow it just like Muzan-sama! I grabbed my head and put it back on my head. Please.. recover!! I need to kill this bitch-

Whose voice was that? My eyes suddenly went blank. Everything in front of me became black. That bitch...

"Neito.." the voice called out again. "Please stop this misery.. you've done enough."

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked.

"You don't deserve this... I failed my role as a big sister," she started to cry. Who did she think she is? Calling herself as my big sister?

"I love you... Neito," she buried her face in my bare shoulder. "I love you more than anything in this world. You are my first priority other than Satoru.."

Gojo Satoru? That brat? "Please.. stop this and let's reunite for the first time ever again in the afterlife."

"I am not going to die! I am going to kill that bitch and the rest of the demon hunters tonight!"

She stopped talking. Instead, I felt her in front of me. She looked at me with a smile as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her face... she was fucking with my mind, huh?

She cupped my cheeks with her hands. "Smile, Neito."

It was warm. I've never felt this type of warmness. Not the sun's warmness.. but this is the warmness that I looked for. Slowly, my body moved towards her and hugged her figure. "Sister..."

"This is your sister, Neito," she welcomed me inside her warm embrace. I started crying on her chest as she caressed my head. "You have to end this."

I can feel my fangs, claws, and every single thing that I have as a demon. I've turned into a normal human in here. "I'm so sorry that I couldn't protect until the end! It should be me who apologized! It was not supposed to be Satoru-san who apologized that day! It was me!"

"It's fine," she rested her head on my head. Is this part of my memory as a human? Am I starting to recall it back now?

"Just please... I beg you to stop," she exhaled. "You've done everything."

3rd Person POV

Y/N looked at Akuma in disbelief. He, a powerful demon with a will to kill her, suddenly stopped moving. His head started to connect with his neck.

"Breath... breath slowly," she tried to get her breath as she inhaled and exhaled. She gripped on the bandage of her chest. "Use Total Concentration breathing.."

Her breathing slowly became stable as she caught up with her breathing. She stood up again only to see Akuma, crying. Tears came down from his eyes as his demon physics slowly disappeared.

"Akuma?" she poked his hand with her staff. "Hello?"

"I hate it here..." he muttered. "I don't want to suffer."

𝐃𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓. g. satoruWhere stories live. Discover now