Chapter 41: I Always Miss You

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Opening his one eye with a smile on his face, the samoyed looking male stretch his body and immediately took his phone calling the first person that comes in his mind the moment he woke up.

"Good morning my idiot..." he greeted the canadian male

"What is good in the morning you jerk?"

"Did you wake up in the wrong side of the bed?"


"Then why are you acting like that?"

"I'm hungry."

"You can eat me..." the younger said naughtily

"It's too early in the morning for your horniness lee jeno!" he could practically see his lover's flushed face at the way he said that phrase

"Of course I'm just kidding! I'm trying to lightened up your mood idiot!"

"Tss...Should I come there? cook for me, i'm lazy to do it."

Jeno let out a wide smile at the suggestion "Sure my idiot, i'll wait for you here..."

"I'm just kidding.."

"But i'm not, i'll really cook for you if you want to."

"If that's the case then i'll go there to you haha cook eggs and spam for me!"

"Sure, anything for you minhyung..."

"Wait for me, i'll just brush my teeth!"

"Okay...i'll hang up now!" then he pressed the red button

The samoyed like male starts to get up on his bed and stretch his frame before going to his kitchen and cook his lover's request.

When he got into the kitchen, jeno was greeted by the view of the british long hair grooming herself in the dining table "Good morning my ginger!" he greeted lively then kiss her head making him sneeze loud "This allergies!"

He took the cat's food first and put it on its cat shape food bowl "Your grandma is spoiling you way too much ms. ginger! i'm asking her to buy me at least clothes but she chose to buy you toys that you didn't even use because you like to play with ghosts and real bugs! and these cute bowls.." jeno said clicking his tongue "Here..."

Jeno smiled watching the british long hair munch on her food then ruffle its fluffy fur before proceeding to cook the spam and eggs for him and the canadian male.

In the middle of cooking the meal, his door censor have ring and the chuckle as he is sure who it was.

"I'm here jerk..." mark greeted rubbing his eyes

"You look like a kid minhyungie!"

"Shut up jeno!"

"Kidding, come in..."

The samoyed like male opened the door and immediately give the older a warm bear hug and smiled as mark return the hug to him.

"Are you still sleepy?" jeno ask giving soft kisses to the older's locks

The canadian male look up to him and nod while blinking his eyes slowly then bury his face on the younger's neck making the latter chuckle.

"I still want to sleep..." mark whispered and indulge on the warmth being around jeno's arms, he felt so safe and protected being around it. this is the thing he would miss the most if ever he leave for canada again because it has become his home

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