Mafia's Angel

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Mafia's Angel.
Chapter 1

There was complete silence in the Limo. The tinted glasses were more steamy indicating the hot session that ended just 10 minutes ago.

Taking in the appearence it seemed like only one person did all the work as he was still dressed up in his fine tailored 3 piece suit and gel sleeked hair. Not even a single hair was a mess. He was still caressing the back of the boy curled in his lap while smoking his expensive cigarette. On the other hand, the boy was still panting hard due to the hot session.

His jeans was still unzipped even if his briefs and jeans were pulled up. His hairs deshelved. His lips were bruised and his eyes were still hoodied with lust.

"Breathe... Relax now". The man said in his baritone voice. The boy snuggled more into his chest, inhaling his expensive perfume on his clothes.

"Will you come up"? The boy asked once his breathing turned normal and he was calm enough to sit back in the lap bit comfortably.

"No". He sighed at the expected answer but didnt push his luck further. He sat back on his own seat, adjusting his briefs and jeans. He racked his fingers in his sweaty locks before grabing his bagpack from the floor of the limo.

"Here". The man handed him an envelope and by the size, it was double since the last time not more than 5 days ago.

"Its...". The boy was kind of surprised.

"Its double now, starting from today. Your card is upgraded too. And here is the latest phone and the play station you wanted will be installed tomorrow.

The books i ordered for your new semester reference are on the way from London, special editions. And so is your laptop. Tell me if you need anything okay". The man caressed his cheeks for a while before putting up his stoic expressions again.  

The boy took the envelope silently with the latest mobile and kissed his cheeks as his goodbye before leaving the car. A few steps away, his own black Bentley was parked by one of the guards with a driver. And he knew he doesnt need to turn back to take a last look because the owner would have been gone.

Mew, 22 years old, an intellegent Engineering student of a Prestigious University. 3rd year first semester to start in a few days, hence the mentioned books. He had a limited circle of friends and that too just fellow class mates. He never needed someone to stick with him. He had a dream, to be a topper so that he would be accepted in the best companies in the Country.

And it was almost about to end a year ago only if he had not met Tae. Tae Darvid Kreepolrerk. The King of Underworld. The undisputed Ruler of Mafia kingdom. Every single child knew him. Every boy feared of him. He was a nightmare for all. He was often seen in the roads of the city, moving in his Mercedes. He was ruthless, heartless, cold. He had nothing to be used as his weakness. He had none. But he was honest. He was not a lier. He wasnt a cheater. He was a fair man.

It was kind of interesting incident for him to meet Mew. A year back.

He was going back to his Penthouse after a dinner with a client when he asked his driver to take the linked roades instead of highway. He wanted to enjoy a peaceful journey.

He was looking out of his tinted windows catching up the running life, when he caught a boy fighting more than 5 people in a street. He tapped the roof of his car and the driver parked the car silently.

For a moment Tae thought it would be some street fight but no. They were trying to rape him. He saw how a man tied his hands above his head where another man grab his hand, while the other man unzipped his pants, rolling him on his stomach to push them down. They were having difficulty holding the boy who was squirming a lot. But before they could do anything more than what they already did, Tae stepped out of his car.

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