Mafia's Angel. 25

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Mafia's Angel 25

Mew took a couple of days to recover from his fever and the weakness after. He resumed his University but Tae noticed he was no more demanding. He wont sulk and pout for attention. He would complete his assignments, sitting quietly in the office. He would eat and then keep reading his notes.

Tae was observing it all. He wanted to talk to Mew but his fucking busy schedule wasnt giving him a breather.

Everynight he would wait to go back home and have some time with Mew but to no use. Mew would do his night routine and would go to sleep. He was getting quiet much to Tae's dislike. And it was the first time he couldnt do anything. And then, it was Saturday. A day before his departure.

With so much coaxing, Tae brought Mew to a movie. They had lunch together. Tae was somehow able to lift his mood. That wasnt difficult, right? He took Mew to shoppings. Few new Plush toys.

They had their dinner out too and Tae only then moved to their car when he saw Mew was relaxed as compared to the rest of the week.

Tae was wearing his suit as he had to go directly to the airport after dropping Mew to his penthouse. Mew was wearing his comfy jeans and shirt.

They were sitting at the back of the limo and Mew only then realised why Tae brought his Limo that day.

The car was driving smoothly on the roads, blocking all noise from outside as the darkness enveloped the city.

Mew was lost in his thoughts that he didnt noticed when Tae pushed the button for the divider. He looked at Tae with questioning gaze, who, without any word and effort, pulled Mew close by his waist.

He nuzzled his neck with his nose, pausing at his scent gland.

"You know i love you Mew". He whispered in his ear making him shiver.  "Hmmm"? He licked his ear with the tip of his tongue and smirked as he knew his effect.

"I.. Uhhh. Know". Mew breathed out.

"Then.... Wont you say the same hmmm"? Tae hooked his finger under his chin to turn his face towards himself. He saw how Mew was looking back at him. It was long since they were intimate last time.

Mew gasped when Tae suddenly pulled him impossibly close. It was a bit odd position. Mew was leaning into Tae sideways in an uncomfortable sitting, his hands curled on the strong thighs to prevent himself from falling on Tae.

Tae saw this and in one swift motion he pulled Mew in his lap.

Mew was looking at him with wide eyes. Not that it was his first time doing in the limo. But Tae was all dressed up. His shirt was wrinkleless and pents still perfectly creased even after they spent a whole day roaming around.

"You..your d..dress Phi". Mew resisted weakly. How could he anyway. The rough hands roaming inside his shirt were not letting it easy for him to speak.

"Then take care not to put slots hmmmm". Tae said in his deep husky voice before capturing those alluring lips in an open mouth kiss.

He smirked in the kiss to feel Mew struggling not to ruin the perfectly ironed shirt, thgh Tae would give a shit. But he loved when automatically he had to take the whole charge.

He was kissing Mew out of breath. Sucking his tongue he kissed the back of his palate and earned a deep moan from the boy now grinding in his lap. He could feel the bulge forming in both of their pents. The friction was too good to enjoy and he would have extended the session as long as he wanted only he if he enough time. For now, he wanted to feel the hot body in his arms.

Tae pulled off the kiss as he pushed Mew down to kneel on the floor of the car. He parted his legs and he knew Mew knew what to do. He only encouraged Mew with a smile and smirked to see how Mew licked his lips wet.

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