Mafia's Angel. 11

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Mafia's Angel 11

"Good after noon Phis". Mew entered the office, tired and greeted everyone before slumping down on the couch. Tae was on call still he felt odd to see Derek bringing his bag instead of Mew himself.

"Mew. What happened baby"? Tul came to sit with him, checking his temperature.

"Am tired Phi. Mechanical is no fun, i almost got my arm cut in a machine. Good thing it only settled with a scratch on hand". Only then Tul, Max and Tae saw a bandage covering his hand.

Tae hissed hanging up the call, not bothering to listen to the client.

"How did it happen"? Tae held his hand asking for the details.

"Nothing Phi. A girl, probably she had skipped her meals. 3 hours Exam, and then 2 hours lab. She fainted beside me and was about to fall back where an engine was working to demonstrate how the gaint chopping machines work.

She would have been died because she was about to fall upside down. I pulled her back and her friends caught her but my hand got scratched with a blade. Nothing deep, but had to be bandaged to avoid any infection". Mew informed putting his head on Tae's shoulder while Max called their doctor to come and check the wound.

"Its good thing that your exams finished". Max said holding his hand. Mew smiled at him nodding his head.

"Am hungry. Whats for lunch"? He asked as his stomach grumbled, showing his perfect white teeth to cover the embarrassing moment.

"Lets go out. Once the doctor gets it checked and bandaged. Hmmm"? Tae removed the hair on his forehead.

It was no longer that the doctor arrived and undid the previous bandage. It wasnt bad. But the scratch was around 3 inchs. The doctor applied medicine and covered his hand back in a new bandage.

"Nothing to worry about Boss. Just avoid water for a day. All set to go Master Mew". The doctor comfirmed and only then Tae sighed in relief.


They went for lunch together. And then Max and Tul left since they had to go and meet a potential client. While Tae took Mew to the mall where they had eaten in the premises.

"I have to leave for States Mew". Tae informed him and well that wasnt a new thing. "3 days and 2 in travelling. A week to go baby". Tae further said.

"Uhmmm.. Its long Phi". Mew wasnt used to spend time alone without him for long. The maximum Tae left him was for 2 days. He was sad already.

"And thats why am bringing you with me". Tae broke the surprise making Mew jump in excitement.

"Really Phi. You will take me with you". He asked Tae in a confirming tone that he confirmed quickly.

"Yes Bub. I will bring you to the States with me. We will roam around okay".

"But your meetings Phi". His face fell again.

"Bub. I have only 1 day for meetings. And for that am sure you will keep sleeping due to jet lag, i will be back before you open your eyes. And next 2 days are all yours". Tae pinched his cute nose.

"Yayyyy. Am going to the States. Am going to the States". Mew was singing and dancing in the middle of crowd and everyone was laughing and dancing with him too.

"Bub. Here. I got something for you". Tae held his arm as they returned home at night.

"Hmmm. What is it Phi"? Mew looked at him with questioning gaze.

"This".... Tae held him a chain with a ring band. Simple yet elegant. Mew saw him with eyes wide open. He palmed his mouth in surprise.

"This is not a proposal ring. Because definetely i wont propose you like this. But a promise ring. For now, i want you to wear it in the chain and never let it go. Let the world know you are taken". Tae said with utter seriousness and all Mew could do was to nod his head frantically.

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