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"okay." Jasper whispered. "Wait here, okay? I'm going to get your father and I'll get lunch started." Narcissa said and he slowly nodded, left waiting in the chair.
Narcissa knocked on the open door. Mary cleaning up the hair Zachary cut off James. Leaving it to his shoulders, clean and looked like hair is suppose to look like. "It completely slipped my mind. Jasper finally said something about hunting, follow me to the kitchen." Narcissa said and James followed her throw the ship and onto the kitchen. Jasper had walked over slowly to sink and cocked his head. Confused, very,

on what it was. James walked over and smiled lightly. He slowly turned the sink on and grabbed one of the cups near by for Jasper to copy is movements. Standing by the sink now, drinking water. "James, there's plenty to eat. I'm sure if there's a few things you have in mind, one will be here." Narcissa said. "Something simple. I'm...not sure how it will settle on either one of us." James said and she nodded. Sandwiches. Something Jasper had never seen before, or the small pile of chips on the plate he had. He just watched his

Father eat, before he slowly copy the movements. "Have you talked to Harry yet?" Narcissa asked. "I haven't...but I'll find him shortly. Can you keep Jasper company for me?" James asked. "Of course, but I'll likely take him back to the bedroom. My feet have been really hurting since the walking." She admitted. "I'll find you. Jasper, try and get some sleep okay?" James said.
James wondered the ship until he found the room Harry, Draco and the babies had been using. The babies, the last couple of weeks have been asleep to sleep on their own, used to the movement

of the ship, but those first few nights wasn't easy on the babies. Danny laid asleep on the crib however, and the room was empty otherwise. He slowly entered the room, and walked over to the crib. The baby fast asleep with a blanket laying over his legs. Harry wasn't gone form the bedroom much longer. He had just went to gather the objects needed to clean his leg. The one the cast had been removed. The scars marks still healing and needed cleaning. That and some scar thing Draco had talked him into using. So, Harry stood

In shorts. Not expecting James to be standing in the bedroom he been using. Harry wasn't sure what to say either, so he just slowly walked over to the bed, and ease to sit down. Starting the annoying routine of cleaning his leg. James, after a moment, turned away. "I...really don't know...what to say." James whispered. "I'm not sure there's anything you can say... I'm sure Sirius has talked to you?" Harry said. "Yeah, lots to remember though. Details aren't clear." He said. "Eh, I'm not worried about you knowing everything right away...Just stay close?" Harry somewhat

mumbled the last part. "Of course. Can...I wake the baby?" He asked. "Yeah, that's fine." Harry said. Little Danny yawned, rubbing his little eye, but held onto the shirt James had on, who put him on his side. Danny was confused on who the man was, but was still sleepy. He just rested his head soon too against James shoulder. "Somebody is...still sleepy." James said. "They sometimes have trouble sleeping since we shipped. The rocking chair is in the corner. See if he'll go to sleep for you? Your welcomed to keep him for a while." Harry said. 

"What happened there?" James asked. "I got hit by a car a few months ago. Aftermath." Harry said.
By the time Harry finished his little routine, Danny laid asleep in James arms. Slowly being rocked. "The teenagers...what's going on their?" James asked. "Zachary and Mary are are foster kids. Christopher is Zachary's boyfriend who is staying with us now. Thomas is their older brother. he is also staying with us." Harry said. "His having a baby?" James asked. "Yeah. Long and fucked up story. People are awful." Harry said, easing to set on the other side of the bed.

"Jasper had a little girl with him?" James asked. "Baby Ruth. She's his twin sister." Harry said and he nodded. "I suppose you want your baby back." James said. "You can keep him for a bit. I gotta find Draco and the kids." Harry said. "The babies and teenagers are accounted for." James said. "Micheal and Willow, I haven't seen them today." Harry said and he nodded. "You haven't any idea...how thankful...I am you guys found us... Everytime I got just a little sick, it scared the hell out of me...I'd do anything...not to leave him

there alone." James said. "You don't have to worry about that anymore...I know it will be hard, especially for Jasper, but it'll be alright." Harry said and he slowly nodded. "I think he'll be more overwhelmed then any thing and I definitely don't want them to start overloaded him with questions." James said. "We won't let that happened, but how old is he? I know he looks like a teenager...but Sirius believes older." Harry said. "About twenty. I know our time isn't perfect." James said and Harry nodded. "Close enough and the kids I'm sure will enjoy helping

Him. Good kids. Narcissa is also very willing too. Forgive the whinny. She wasn't looking to forward to having a baby on the ship." Harry said. "I get it." James said before Danny whined out. He was getting hungry. "Do you wanna feed him? He's eating food or I can just make him a bottle." Harry said. "No, I don't mind to try and feed him." James said. James slightly lightly as Danny sat in the highchair, now drinking his bottle after having some breakfast. He was a very hungry boy since his nap. "Have you been able to sleep?"

Harry asked.

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