Chapter 13

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Hermione didn't realize she'd been holding her breath until her body screamed for air. A sharp gasp refilled her lungs and she quickly pushed herself up from her chair, her wand snapping into her palm from her silent call.

She had many things running through her head, the most of which was the last memory. She had this burning need to tell someone, anyone, what she had seen but her heart was desperately screaming for her silence. They fought for dominance as she thumped her way down the stairs, the smell of takeaway filling her nose. She could only guess that it was dinner time and when she swung herself from the banister she could finally hear the sounds of many voices filling the kitchen.

"And then Harry said-Oh, Hermione." Ron's happy tale was cut off by her appearance, a slow smile growing nervously on his face.

"I didn't-oh, hey Hermione. we knocked but you didn't answer." Harry set down a plate laden with Chinese takeaway, "You want some?"

Hermione's stomach growled rebelliously and her hand went to silence it; a new thought jumping to the forefront of all her other rampaging thoughts, "Sorry...I couldn't hear you I was, um meditating." She looked to Ginny for a moment before her eyes darted back to Harry, "Could I see you for a moment?" Hermione glanced at the seemingly random woman at the table before ducking back out into the hallway.

"Yeah...sure." Harry shrugged to the curious glances he received before slipping out into the hallway.

Hermione lowered her voice so that she wouldn't easily be overheard, "Harry, do you still have that trunk of your mother's things that Sirius kept for you?"

"I think so. Why?" Harry gave her a curious glance before putting a muffling charm around them, "Is this about what we talked about before?"

Hermione made a small face but nodded, "Yes, but please don't ask me anything yet...I've got too much in my head at the moment." She ruffled her own hair, a headache growing behind her temples, "Is it still in the attic?"

"Should be-Hey!" Harry grabbed her arm before she could sprint off, "Won't you have dinner with us first? Surely...whatever it is can wait?"

Hermione glanced down at the hand holding her arm, her eyes narrowing for a moment before she slowly came back beside him. Her stomach gave off another loud growl of protest, "Yes...yes it can..."

"Good because Ron is really bursting to introduce Malenda to you." Harry gave her a lopsided smile though his eyes did show concern.

"Malenda?" Hermione glanced into the kitchen just in time to see Ron kiss the top of the aforementioned woman's head and her mouth made a small 'o'.

Harry rubbed her arm before slipping it behind her back to gently guide her into the room, his wand canceling his spell as he went.

Hermione moved to sit down, suddenly extremely exhausted both physically and emotionally. She did try her best not to look like a complete wreck when she offered out her hand towards Malenda, "Sorry about that, I'm Hermione."

"It's no worry, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Malenda." The woman took her hand kindly somewhat surprised to find her skin so cold.

"My girlfriend," Ron said proudly as he sat down two plates.

"Congratulations." Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron pulling her hand back below the table absently rubbing her scar.

"It's an honor to meet you, really. I've heard such wonderful things." Malenda smiled trying not to let on too much on how impressed she was by Hermione.

"Really?" Hermione drawled giving a side-eye to Ron, "What sorts of things?"

"Hey don't look at me! I just told her you were my best friend. She knew a lot before I even said a thing." Ron sputtered behind a cheek full of food.

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