Chapter 19

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"I don't know Luna, aweful things happen to witches or wizards that mess with time..." Hermione pursed her lips still a bit unsure about what exactly Luna's ultimate goal was.

"But that's just it! With this, you could travel years, centuries even. However, in that state you couldn't change anything! Oh, but think of the experience!" Luna was almost out of breath from her excitement.

Hermione nodded dutifully, though her eyes were looking over the extremely complex blueprints Luna had laid out. To say she was impressed was an understatement, "This is absolutely amazing Luna."

" you want to help me?" Luna leaned forward on her forearms, dropping her head to catch Hermione's eyes. Her own glittering like diamonds in the night sky.

The air around them grew dramatically still, Hermione's eyes shifting from the papers. All of the possibilities running through her head, all the knowledge that could be gained. It would be the find of the century if it worked. If it didn't... honestly what did she have to lose?

A Slytherin worthy smirk slithered across her lips and her eyes locked on Luna's, "I'm in."

Luna beamed brighter than the morning sun, "Excellent."


Hermione leaned back in her chair with a grumbling sigh. Her fingers coming up to rub at her face. She was tired but rightfully so. There seemed to be a sudden influx of wards that needed broken and not just on estates but objects as well. A property now formally owned by the Malfoy family had been seized, the contents therein seemingly filled to the brim with dark and dangerous objects. She knew it wasn't just her department but rather the whole of the ministry.

"Miss Granger?"

"Yes, Antony?" Hermione didn't uncover her face, her fingers doing wonderfully at massaging her forehead to relieve the tension from her furrowed brows.

"This just came for you." Antony politely held out the letter bearing a familiar seal, "Looks like it's from Hogwarts..."

Hermione let her hands drop into her lap, "Hogwarts?"

"Mhmm." Antony held it out just a bit further when Hermione sat up to take it.

"Thank you." She took the letter gingerly in her fingers and turned it to see the seal for herself.

"No problem, I'm heading out for the night. Don't stay too late okay?" Antony and she were the last remaining in the office; the others having exhaustingly filtered out about half an hour ago.

"I won't." Hermione offered him a tired smile before slipping her fingers beneath the seal. She instantly recognized the handwriting of her former head of house and her eyes scanned the missive within with a deepening frown.


"Yeah?" Antony turned, shouldering his bag.

"Im going to be late tomorrow." She folded the letter, a worried look slowly forming on her face. The words Spinner's End engraved in her inner eye.

Concentration officially ruined, Hermione pushed herself up from her chair. Methodical in her tidyness of her desk, she had everything back to where it would be easily accessible for her to start again tomorrow. With a glance to her watch she let out a soft sigh and slung her bag over her shoulder.

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