Chapter 3

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"You did send a note to Hermione didn't you?" Ron whispered glancing up towards the dais were the head of the Auror department was giving his speech.

"Of course I did." Harry urgently whispered back before trying to subtly turn his head to look out over the crowd who had come to watch the ceremony. His eyes scanned quickly, taking in the proud faces of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, the latter of which had proud tears shining in her eyes. Ginny, of course, beaming brightly. He could see Neville, and Luna the pair of which holding a soft smile of their own though Luna seemed to be more interested in the lights above the room. McGonagall as well had come, sitting in the last row, her face calm and collected, though if one looked hard enough there was easily a proud shine to her eyes.

Family members of the other inductees were present as well but despite Harry's greatest attempts, he could not spot the one person he really needed to see there. It had been Hermione who had helped him study, practice, and prepare for this. It had been Hermione who had taught him all the spells that would now protect his life and the lives of others. If it hadn't been for her help, surely, he wouldn't have been there at all. With a soft resigned sigh, he turned back towards the front, the pride in his frame swirling out, like water down a drain.


Hermione panted heavily as she all but fully sprinted down the hallway. Her hand fumbled a bit as she pulled the chain attached to her belt loop to pull her watch free, her dress robe tangling as she tried to shrug it up onto her shoulder.

She'd all but fled Snape's home when she'd realized the time she'd lost, though she did make a point of resetting her own wards over the home, it had taken her more time than she'd care to admit which left her fumbling now. Though honestly, her mind was everywhere other than where she was meant to be. Her heart still ached from what she'd seen. So many questions, so many thoughts, paths filling her usually keen mind into a deepening spiral.

Hermione skidded as she nearly collided with the man standing in front of the door leading to the announcement hall. A muttered apology tumbled past her lips as she tried to right herself into something somewhat presentable. A quick flick of her wand straightened her hair and attempted to wipe the tears and darkness from around her eyes, though it was cast with such distraction it hardly helped at all.

"It hasn't finished has it?" She asked quickly, straining her ears to try and hear anything at all.

"No, though it is almost over if you want to sneak in there's a door over there that should help." The man smiled at her, of course, he knew exactly who she was; who didn't know the brains of the famous 'golden trio'?

"Thank you, thank you so much." Hermione quickly pushed her hands down her robes trying to get her muggle clothing beneath the layers. She hurriedly snapped the fasteners in place as she made to move to the side door. With a deep breath and a charm to help her go unnoticed, she hesitantly opened the door, slipping in just as silently.

Hermione did her best to blend into the darkness of the room, the corner in which she found herself giving her a perfect vantage over the crowd. For a moment her mind wavered on whether she should try and find an open seat when a name took all her attention to the front.

"Harry Potter, it is with great honor and pride that we give unto you this badge." The man on the stage leaned forward, pinning the oval-shaped pendant onto Harry's dress uniform, "May you carry it with great responsibility."

The crowd politely clapped, though Neville did let out a small whistle as the pair turned, hands clasped as a picture was taken. When Harry's eyes lifted from the photographer his heart beat just a little faster. His stance just a bit straighter as his eyes landed on Hermione, who stood hidden along the back wall. He offered a weak smile before he started to make his way back down to his seat beside Ron.

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