Chapter 36

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Hermione collapsed to the floor, having fallen from her chair thanks to the choked sob that left her throat. The pain in her stomach quickly overtaking the need for tears. It was like she could feel the potion itself, raging through every limb. Her muscles cramped and seized as she braced herself on the floor. Then, after a few agonizing seconds, everything dissolved, her body slowly sinking down into an exhausted heap. Her head felt floaty as the light of early morning taunted her through the window.

Her eyes closed tight as she managed to drag her arms towards her chest enough to push herself from the floor. With all the grace of a drunken sloth, she pulled herself up to her knees and over the edge of her bed. With another heave of trembling limbs, she pushed herself over the surface, her body relaxing down into its plushness. Having virtually stayed up all night, her eyes closed and in an instant, she was out, the soft chirping of warning from her bracelet unable to break through the heavy weight of sleep that overcame her.


Ginny mewled softly as the morning light caressed her face. Her brow furrowed as she shifted in the arms that held her close. A soft smile curled her lips as she nestled her head under Harry's chin, her lips gently pressing a kiss over the pulse that beat steadily. Her legs slowly stretched out before gently tangling, the man who held her let out a soft grunt from the adjustment, his lips coming down to the top of her head as his arms adjusted.

Ginny hummed when the tips of his fingers teased her lower back, her own running up to trace his shoulder blades. A sleep-heavy whisper slipped past her lips, "Mmm, I could get used to this."

Harry merely smiled and hummed his agreement, his head shifting back just enough to press a kiss to the crown of her brow, "Me too..."

Ginny shifted closer, pressing her toned stomach into his, a wolfish grin curling her lips when his hips jerked ever just so, "It's still early...mmm..." Her words were lost to the kiss that pressed over her still closed lids, "We have, ah...nowhere to be for a while..."

Harry mumbled his agreement, his body shifting to pull her further onto his chest. When he felt her legs settle around his, he managed to open his eyes to the beautiful crimson hallo framing his love's face. His fingers pulled from her back to gently trace the gentle curve of her cheeks before he pulled her down for a proper morning kiss.

A soft hum left Ginny's throat, as she let her body meld down into his, her hands running up into his hair. Another series of kisses left the pair of them heated and when the fog of early morning cleared from their minds the need for food made itself starkly known. Ginny giggled when their stomachs growled as one, actually feeling the vibration of the sound. Reluctantly, she pressed one more kiss to Harry's lips before rolling herself off to the side for a full-body stretch.

Harry smiled as he rolled into his hip to watch, his still heavy eyes taking in every little freckle the morning sun-kissed. His fingers trailed along her side before she was slipping from bed to search for something proper to wear.

"I love you..."

Ginny turned to the soft confession, her lips turning up as she pulled on one of his t-shirts, "I love you, too."

Harry leaned back just enough to accept her kiss before he too managed to pull himself from the bed. His eyes turned towards his dresser where he'd hidden the ring before he moved to put on some boxers and lounge pants. When he turned another t-shirt was tossed into his face and he couldn't help but chuckle as he slipped it on.

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