Chapter 34

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"So that's why I found your pillow in his bed." Ginny chuckled from behind her teacup that was quickly set back down as she took another hand full of curls to work her magic on.

Their conversation had moved to the sitting room where Hermione now found herself stretched out with her hair being brushed and braided. Her eyes closed from the soft sensation of it. She giggled, letting out a soft sigh as she hugged the throw pillow resting on her chest a bit tighter, "I did tease him about it."

"Rightly so," Ginny smiled, as she raked her fingers over the crown of Hermione's head pulling back half a layer, "Honestly, you would not believe the teasing I get from the team that he even lives with another girl." Ginny paused as she pulled her hair tight, a soft spell leaving her lips to help keep the little stray hairs down, "I know that neither he nor you would ever do anything. You're like brother and sister."

Hermione hummed, her legs shifting a bit as she felt herself relaxing even more, "Trust me...there is nothing to worry about."

"And that's why I love you." Ginny teased, pecking her forehead playfully before starting to braid the portion she'd pulled back, "Anyway, what about that man Antony from your office? Didn't you say he was handsome?"

"Oh, no Gin absolutely not. I mean he is handsome but..." Hermione sighed heavily, "He's too...timid? Too..." Her hand waved in the air as she searched for the right word.

"Nice?" Ginny supplied with a grin, "I swear my brother has ruined you." Ginny pulled another tie securing the braid, her fingers moving towards the rest of the mass just enjoying the texture of it as she softened the curls, "You do know we're not in school anymore and men aren't supposed to be tossers to the girls they like right?"

Hermione rolled her eyes under her lids, "I get that Gin, I just... he's not very much of a conversationalist. I mean we speak but it's only work-related and he hardly takes an initiative. He does what's needed to be done, enjoys what he does and that's it." Hermione pursed her lips, "I need a man who's going to challenge me, challenge the way I think. Come up with new ideas or problems that need to be solved. I am a mental being Ginny I need my mind stimulated not..."

"Really good sex?" Ginny interjected with a chuckle, "When was the—"

"Don't even finish that sentence." Hermione groaned and pulled the pillow up towards her face muffling her words, "You know I can't just...with whoever... I'm not like that..."

"Alright, alright." Ginny conceded with another chuckle and moved her fingers up along the back of her head in soothing circles, "So no one like that huh?"

"Nope." Hermione popped, pulling down the pillow, her brow relaxing to the feeling of her fingers. If she were a cat she'd have certainly been purring, "How are you so good at this?"

"Well, I always wanted to have a sister and my dormmates were very into their appearance." She grinned as she watched the elder woman sink down further into the couch, "Relaxing isn't it?"

"It's hypnotic..." Hermione mumbled.

"Mhm." Ginny grinned as she continued for a little longer, "I was really good at putting people to sleep."

Hermione only managed a weak hum, her mind peacefully drifting. Not really asleep but not fully awake either. Just a sort of state where her wound muscles no longer felt like taunt rubber bands. Before she even knew it the hands had gone and left her completely to her own devices. She could faintly hear Ginny moving towards the other couch but presently she just couldn't care. Perfectly content to float on the soft cloud her inner eye had put her on.

Ginny turned her head when the floo activated, her cup halfway to her mouth. When Hermione neither jerked nor opened her eyes she instantly put her finger up to her lips silencing Harry's surprised voice to a small squeak. She pushed herself up and quickly wrapped her arms around his neck pressing a not-so-chaste kiss to his lips before turning and pulling him from the room, never the wiser as Harry's head turned back to look at Hermione's resting form.

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