Chapter 1 - A Typical Day

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The cool morning air and the sound of the ocean calms the stressful thought that have been going around in my head. If you're wondering, images keep flashing in my mind and they can happen at any time or anywhere. What or in this case who is it I keep seeing? I have no idea. But I can describe her. Not even a walk on the beach like I am doing now always helps but luckily it is right now which is what I need. Anyway, the woman I keep seeing, she has pale skin, dark hair and large dark wings. I want to say it is simply a recurring nightmare but it's not that simple. It feels like I know this woman which is insane because winged people do not exist.

Once I get home, I immediately make some lunch. A vegetarian stir-fry sounds good. (Yes, I am vegetarian by the way but not vegan... big difference). Anyway, I open my laptop and continue with my dissertation project for my university course which is environmental science. For some reason learning about the environment has always been an interest of mine. The only problem is I don't know what career I want to go into once I finish. I guess another day is going to go by that's uneventful.

Several hours pass and I manage to get quite a bit done on my dissertation, but I am still nowhere near finished unfortunately. I decide to check the time on my laptop which read 3.35pm. I guess I'd been at this a lot longer than I thought. After deciding it is time to shut my laptop down, I check the fridge for any snacks. Unfortunately, there was none so I head to the shop which needless to say was also uneventful.

When I get back, I open my bag of Dorito's and turn the tv onto a random sitcom. However, partway through an episode of the big bang theory, another set of image's flash in my mind. It's not only this winged woman this time. There is a raven then suddenly a man. There's also a blonde girl and a guy whose hair reminds me of Harry Styles. The flashing images always leaves a splitting headache. I have no idea why this keeps happening so maybe I should get to the bottom of this, but I have no idea where I would even start. Meh, maybe I should try and start figuring this out tomorrow and watch tv for now.

However, while watching the big bang theory, I thought I saw a flash of yellow light from the other side of the room. I shrug it off. It's probably my imagination. 5.45pm rolls around and I decide it is time to make dinner. Hmm, a vegetable paella sounds good, especially when paprika is added to the mixture. Paprika always makes food taste better. Anyway, I continue watching the sitcom while making the food. The tv is at a good enough angle that I can still see it while I am cooking.

Half an hour later, I taste the dish after it is fully cooked. "Mmm, que Buena paella." (That was me saying that is good paella in Spanish). As I take my meal into the lounging area, I thought I saw something else. A set of horns. They were there one second and gone the next. Wow these flashing images must be really getting to me. Anyway, after dinner, I put my dirty dishes in the dishwasher. The only good thing about having an apartment all to yourself is you don't have to deal with other people's mess, but it gets awful lonely. That's the only downside to it really.

I open my laptop and search why I keep getting flashing images. The only thing that keeps coming up is that it could be visions. Visions of something that is either going to happen or has already happened. Great. As usual google was no help. Take my advice folks, don't google things for things like this, especially if you're sick because according to them, you're automatically dying which is clearly wrong. But the more I think about it... I can't believe I am saying this given what I just said, it makes sense. Maybe this could be why I keep seeing her in my what I am going to now call visions but also now these new people showing up in them too.

When 8.30pm rolls around, I hadn't even realised it had gone dark out. That's another thing... winter can be so depressing honestly. Anyways, I decide it is probably time to call it a day as my head is still pounding from that last vision. One day I will get to the bottom of this. Hopefully sometime very soon. I just hope I am right. 

Ending this one here. Sorry if it's a bit of a slow start but it improves a lot once it really gets into it. Anyways, let me know your thoughts and don't forget to VOTE! :)

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