Final Chapter - Evil Vanquished

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Borra carried Jax back to the nest. Luckily, he didn't come around until after we got back. Jax immediately tried to attack again but Borra and another Fey restrained him. I kept hold of the gun and unloaded it so no accidents could happen. I'll let Maleficent decide what to do with the weapon. I'm starting to feel like I should be calling her mother now but now's not the time for that.

"Why Jax?" I asked him as he tried to escape the others restraining him still. "Isn't it obvious? I wanted a girl so, when I discovered I could create portals, I brought the gun to Stefan in exchange for Aurora." I looked at Maleficent who looked angry. "All of you leave. I want to talk to him alone." Even I am angry with him not just Maleficent. So, she and the others leave, even the ones restraining him even though they were hesitant about it.

"Why on earth did you think you could buy a girl? That's basically what's happening here! You were that desperate you'd stoop to such a low level like that? You forget the place we come from. They no longer treat women like that. Women are viewed as equals, or have you forgotten?" I yell at him. "At least my mother isn't a villain!" Without even thinking, I punch him right across the face.

"My mother is not a villain! Its people like you who are the real monsters! I'll hand you over to the others. Quite frankly I don't care what they do to you." "Don't you remember when spider-man was told heroes don't kill? Or something like that anyway?" "For one thing, I am not spider-man. Secondly, I'm not the one who's going to kill you." His eyes widened and Borra comes out and takes him away.

After that, mother steps out and smirks. "Remind me not to get on your bad side. I'm sorry it turned out to be your friend though." I shrugged. "Meh, it's always the ones you never suspect. And he's no longer my friend." What I didn't expect though was for her to hug me. "I'm just glad you're safe this time. I love you." "I love you too mother." She releases the hug but still has both hands on my shoulders. "You called me mother." She says smiling and hugs me again but harder this time.

"What d'you say we go back to the Moors for a few days to check on everyone?" I nod my head. "Oh, I should probably tell you, I now have magic." "Really? You'll have to show me when we get back to the Moors. If it's anything like mine, I can teach you how to use it." "I'd like that." And we both fly off towards the Moors.

Once we get there, there is a mud fight going on and Aurora and Phillip seem to be losing. Diaval is laughing his head off at them as he stands to the side. Then, mother uses her magic to cover him in mud which shuts him up causing everyone including the two of us to laugh. Me and mother continue flying over the Moors. As soon as she's convinced everything is in order, we head back to the others, and I join in the mud fight. Cleaning my wings is going to be fun. But that's a problem for later. I'm just glad that evil in this place has been vanquished. For now, I can enjoy my time with my newly found family. 

Ending this one here. Wow finally finished this story! Let me know if you want a Maleficent x Female Reader one shots book. Tell me what you thought of this story and don't forget to VOTE! :)

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