Chapter9 - Well, Well, You're Finally Awake

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I feel my eyes flutter open and the only thing on my mind now is, where am I? It is dark but my eyes soon adjust to find a few glowing lights. Not only that, I have been placed on a bed made of a large orange marigold flower. I'm guessing the enlarging of the plant is Maleficent's doing. Either way, it is surprisingly comfy. Wow, if I had a shot of alcohol or a coin for every time something strange has happened lately, I'd be drunk or I'd be rich, or both.

Once my eyes are fully in focus, I notice Maleficent on my right sitting on a rock. Jeez, that cannot be comfortable. But she's asleep at the moment. So, I remained silent and looked around and realised we are in a cave. It is such a peaceful scene that it would have sent me to sleep but Maleficent woke. "Well, well, you're finally awake!" She says her voice now sounding happy instead of angry like before with Stefan.

"How long have I been out?" "A few days. I used my magic to heal you. We weren't sure if you'd ever wake up though." "We?" "Aurora came to visit with Phillip, Diaval too, and the red fox you rescued before you... well." "Wow, well, in that case, I guess you'll be glad to know I've made a decision." "You have?" She sounded nervous. "I'm staying." She sighs but it's a happy sigh like when you're relieved something has gone right or a long day at work is finished. "On one condition." She raises her eyebrow. "What is it?" "You said you'd be able to get my wings back? And something about meeting my own kind?" She nods her head. "Yes, I should be able to and once you have them, we can go visit them, but you need your wings to find the hideout. For now, you get some rest, we can talk more in the morning."

Time skip

First rays of sunlight lit up the cave waking me up. Maleficent is no longer sat on the rock. Hmm, I wonder where she went. As if on cue, there was a breeze and the sound of wings flapping. "Come on then, let's get started on the search for your wings." I get up expecting at least some of pain... but there is none whatsoever. Her magic works better than the health care back home I'll admit that.

After leaving the cave, me and Maleficent both walked to her hideout. "There is one thing I'd like to know before starting the search." "What is it?" She answers. "How did I lose them?" I don't actually remember if she said anything about them when I showed her the scar on my back. "When your father found out of your existence, he tried everything in his power to take you away from me by any means necessary. In the end, he cut off your wings using and iron blade like he did me and then managed got one of his lackeys to somehow open a portal. But while his lackey was opening his portal, your father attacked me with iron for you see it burns fae folk. And I was burnt so bad I almost fainted and he managed to grab a hold of you and threw you in that portal. After that, I spent the rest of my days while making his life a living hell during my spare time." "Is that the real reason you cursed Aurora?" She nods her head in response. "Yes, it is."

Wow, that is a lot to take in. It's also hard to believe but Maleficent herself is supposed to be a fairy tale character but here we are. At least now I know Diaval was telling the truth and she never actually abandoned me. Had it not been for my father I might have actually grown up in this world and not known the one I grew up in.

"So, how did you get your wings back and how do you think I can get mine back?" I ask her. And she explains the whole situation of my father taking her wings all for the sake of wanting to be king. "As for your wings, it wouldn't surprise me if his lackeys are guarding them because Aurora found mine in the castle and returned them too me." I'm going to assume it was magic that caused her wings to attach back onto her. "What you're saying is... find his lackeys and we find my wings. I have one other question though." She remains silent so I take that as an assumption for me to continue. "How come I don't have horns like you?" "Isn't it obvious? You're half fae half human." I should have known the answer would have been that simple. "Anymore questions before we start searching for your wings?" "Nope. I'm ready to start searching." 

Ending this one here. Let me know if ya'll are interested in me starting an Angelina Jolie Imagines one shots book. I'd only do it if people are interested though. As usual, let me know what you think so far and don't forget to VOTE! :)

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