Chapter10 - My Wings

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After a lot of sleuthing, we finally manage to find Stefan's lackeys. No way am I calling him father after learning of what he did to Maleficent. Also, I just realised, instead of stepsisters, me and Aurora are technically half sisters at that rate. Anyways, we found Stefan's lackeys in the cottage where the three fairies raised Aurora. Everyone seemed to have to thought it was abandoned which is ultimately why I suggested searching there first. Honestly, the minds of some human beings are so primitive.

Once me and Maleficent arrived, she told me to wait outside until she gives an all clear. I do as she says as I don't particularly want to risk getting shot again, I was lucky I survived. Though as soon as she went in it sounded like the men were in there and tried to attack her but not getting very far. "All clear." She calls from inside once the screaming of the men dies down.

My eyes went wide when I saw them all on the floor as I wandered in. "Are they...?" "They're just unconscious and will be long enough for us to search. Which shouldn't take too long." She says before walking upstairs so I begin looking on the ground floor. Though there were only two other doors, so I open the one closest to me. Unfortunately, it was just an empty room. Seems a bit pointless if you ask me. I guess I'll just try the other room.

I open the other door once I get to it. Again, there's barely anything in here. The only thing is what looks like a wardrobe covered in a white sheet. Kind of like in those old Narnia movies. Hmm, I wonder... I pull the sheet off and it wasn't a wardrobe exactly for it was mostly made of glass with bits of wood to support the frame. What I didn't expect though, was for the wings to randomly start moving by themselves as though they were trying to go somewhere. I guess the wings also grew as I did. I wasn't sure whether to expect tiny wings for a baby or what.

Moving the case thing is going to be a two-person job. "I think I've found them." I call up to her and quickly enough she comes into the room. She looks at me and smirks, the type of smirk when you know something good is going to happen. She uses her magic to smash the case the wings are in and before I can say or do anything, there is a shooting pain all over my back. So painful I have to lean against Maleficent until it dies down. Once it does, all I say to her is, "Why didn't you tell me it was painful getting your wings back?" Then I realise something odd.

"Are you getting smaller?" I ask her. "No, you're flying." She answers with a smile on her face, a happy smile as my wings brings me back to earth. Wow, this is going to take some serious getting used to. "How do you even learn to fly?" I ask. "I'll take you to a high cliff point and you'll learn there." "Isn't that dangerous?" "Only if you don't use your wings." It doesn't take long to find a high spot to learn to fly. If I wasn't before, I am now definitely terrified about this.

Maleficent flies so she is floating almost opposite me. "Don't think about it. Should your wings falter, I'll use my magic to catch you." I guess she saw how terrified I am. Oh well, nothing to it, I guess. I take a few steps and immediately feel like I am going to fall. Only, I only fall a little and before I know it, I am flying for real. Not just briefly floating around in that cottage. "I've seen young ones of us dark Fae learning to fly and this is the method they use." "Dark fae, is that our kind?" She nods her head to say yes. "Shall we go and meet them?" "Sure, why not." And I follow her in the direction she flies. Man, it's crazy how things have turned out in this place. 

Ending this one here. Let me know what you think. Don't forget to VOTE! :)

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