Isabella Madrigal x fem!Reader

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Summary: Isabela Madrigal has spent her whole life being perfect for her Abuelas approval, what happens when you don't see her as such? What happens when you unintentionally steal her shine?


Just who do you think you are?

How dare you say those words about her?

Isabela was mad, no doubt about it as she stomped her way to the casita to add onto her frustration vines would sprout from earth and snatch onto her ankles only for her to rip them away with a rough kick in her step. Another quirk to her gift that seemed to set her off. 'How dare she!? How dare that woman say that!?' She barked in her head, thoughts running a mile per hour. Her breathing shortly becoming uneven, her face hot in anger as she stood at the steps of the casita,,,maybe she shouldn't go in just yet. She wouldn't want her Abuela to see her in such an unperfect state, wild flowers blooming from her hair, face scrunched up in an unattractive way--chest heaving up and down and fist clenched.

"Definitely unlady like." She could already hear Almas voice chastising her.

Imperfections coated Isabela from the strands of her now unruly hair to the red marks on her ankles. Her abuela would certainly have a cow if she seen the state her perfecta granddaughter was in. So, with a huff, she turned on her heel and decided to take a detor towards one of the many beautiful lakes the Encanto had to offer. This was her home away from home. Whenever she felt lost, or yelled at Mirabel and later felt bad about it or maybe if the stress of keeping Alma and her family pleased became too much she'd venture out to the lakes. The rushing water and soft crashes against the rocks always made her feel at ease, the birds that chirpped away. But today it didn't seem to cheer her up.


With your perfect smile and your perfect teeth.


With your perfect hair with kinks and coils--hair that defied gravity and could curl around your face giving you an ethereal look.


With your perfect face and kind nature that came in and swiped the rug of perfection from under her feet.

That came and swiped her perfection. When she walked the streets of the Encanto there was no longer shouts or praises of 'Perfecta Isabela' no, no. You came along and entranced the people of Encanto, stealing the light that she desperately worked so hard for. You came and took it as if it was nothing. As if Isabela hadn't spent so many nights crying, as if she didn't bloom the prettiest blossoms and grew the most gorgeous roses. She would push herself to her limits countless times to prove herself, when this would happen petals of roses would clog her throat and she'd spit up within the privacy of her room. Another quirk to her gift. She spent years perfecting poses, greetings, dances as well as smiles. But you came, you came and smiled with elegance, danced with grace and posed flawlessly. And you did it so effortlessly--And you did it for you, no one else just you. And she absolutely hated it. She wants to act childishly and say it's not fair but she knew deep down that it wasn't your fault--she had no one to blame but herself, had she done this, or perfected that then maybe--just maybe she'd be seen again, heard again.

Cause if she isn't 'Perfecta Isabela' then who was she?

The thought made her jerk, roots gripping her quads slowly rising as the question sunck in her mind. Who was she if she wasn't perfect?

This brings us back to our previous Isabela who was stomping through Encanto questioning just who you thought you were.


𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝔃𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓪𝓭𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓪𝓵𝓼Where stories live. Discover now