chapter 2

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Marks pov

Im glad they where home late because I didnt what to loose them because ive been here since they got here and I know they get in trouble on purpose but its cute because they have done it since they where younger

Emilies pov

Emma and I where sitting at Mark's office he took forever because he had to put the younger kids to bed ugh

(E-emma always Em-Emilie always)

E- ugh he is taking forever but well done for catching on faster when I got cheeky

Em- I know the boys don't know we do it on purpose they are going to go ape shit if we are not aloud out

E- dont worry marks sound I've been in here more than you remember that bitch from before that got moved

Em- oh yeah that day you punched her was hilarious

E- I know I told mark the story and he started laughing and gave out ape to her and I got like sent to bed ha

Em- was that the time she was grounded for a month

E- yeah see Mark won't go that hard he loves me

M- I love you both and Emma don't punch anyone again please or I will have to go hard on you

E- I'm sure you will and I love you too

Em-love you too

M- what you two laughing at

E- oh em nothing

M- sure get in you twits

By this time Emma and I were wetting ourselves laughing and its even funnier because Mark looks so confused

Emma's pov

When we got in Mark had a pack of sweets on his desk I ran grabbed them amd sat in my seat because Emilie and I are special we have are own seats

Em- hey give me some

E- nope I got them first

M- no they are mine thanks for minding them

E- mark see the way you love I said with the puppy eyes

M- dont do the eyes please and yes I do see the way I love you what are you looking for

E- a few things one the sweets two not to get a big lecture and three tickets to see 1D and 5sos this weekend please (its when they toured together)

M- your lucky I love you here's the sweets, I won't lecture you and ill get your tickets tomorrow

E&Em- thank you soo much we love you

M- I love you both too now go to bed because you two have to mind the kids if you want your tickets until I get back goodnight

E- okay good night Mark

Em- good night and that's a great deal

We got hugged him and he kissed our heads and we went up to our room and got into out Pjs and went to sleep


Thanks for the cover thatonefangirl1

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