chapter 4

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Emmas pov

When Mark went back into the office to Emilie the boys and I started fighting because they were blaming me for getting them into trouble. Im not getting them out of it now. When Emilie came out Mark came out and took the boys in and he looked beyond pissed maybe he heard what they where saying.

We went to the skate park but on the way we where talking

E- im so exited I cant wait

Em- I know same
We talked about different random stuff. We skated for a hour but got bored then went back. When we went back Mark wanted me so I went down and sat at his office until he got down. When he got here we went in.

M- hey em im sorry about what the boys said but you guys used to be so close what happened

E- im not sure I was waiting for Emilie and you caught them giving out then they started slagging, threatening and blaming me for getting them into trouble

M- well I have already giving out to them and they are not allowed talk to you unless im with you's

E- ok thanks Mark

M- no problem em and bring you and emilies bags up stairs please

E- ok

I brought the bags up to the room and when I was going out the four boys stood blocking the outside of the door

(Luke jake alex and simon)

E- what do you four want

S- you to get a lesson for getting us in trouble.

A- answer us

I kept ignoring them and Mark called me but luke and jake dragged me to their room but Mark came up just before they could get me in thank god

Jake and luke are twins just so you know

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