chapter seven

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Emma's pov

"who's that" Joe asked as soon as he seen Emilie hug jake

"he is Jake her best friend other than me from the orphanage you see her mam and his mam were best friends and they came in at the same time so that's why she is a bit upset" I said not mentioning the bit that they are clueless to see they like/love each other

"oh ok" Joe said

"Emilie come here for a minute" joe said

"Yeah" Emilie said

When she came over jake came aswell

" we are going now" joe said

"Ok bye jake" emilie said and hugged jake

"Bye everyone" jake said and left

We all got up and got into the car I had to sit on joes lap again until we dropped them off at the train station

*back at zalfie house*

When we got to the house they gave me a tour and when I unpacked I went down and I got to meet nala. We had dinner and it was late so I went to bed and watched a movie.


Sorry its short I have been busy and studying for my exams next week. Good luck with exams if any of you have them

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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