Chapter six

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Emilies POV
I'm in a room with two of my favorite YouTubers I have loads or favorite YouTubers but theses want to adopt me holy cow my dream to have a YouTuber as a dad is gonna come true

"I'm joe Sugg and this is my roommate Caspar Lee and we want to adopt you" Joe said

" Yassssssss" Emma screamed walking in with Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes omfg #Ishipit

"I see emilie is getting adopted too by joe does that mean we are cousins?" Emma asked you could hear how much hope she had that we are cousins as she loves me what can I say I am a Bæ

"yea" joe said

"yay I'm gonna be cousins with my bestie" I scream


my phone went off it was Jake he somehow got my number I don't mind though I still talk to them

Jake-hey 😘

me- hey what do you want 😘

Jake- are you getting adopted?😜

me- yea but I'll miss you and the guys 😔

Jake- awh babe I'll miss you too 💋

me - you know it gtg txt you later hunni xx 😘

Jake- bye babe xx 😘😍

"who's that" Caspar asked trying to see my phone but I locked it already

"no one" I said

"aww Emilie has a crush" Zoe and Emma said

"nope I dont" I said

"lets go" Alfie said

"by the way we're going back to Zoe's house and she has a dog called Nala" Caspar said

"no it's Alan" joe said

"let's just go" Zoe, Emma said
when we walked out the guys were there and they ran over and gave me a hug and then Emma we exchanged 'I'll Miss you guys' and jake secretly kissed my cheek

in the car the was only five seats so Emma sat on Joe's lap

Jake- hey are you able to talk now 😘😍💋

me- yea I'm going to miss you ❤️💋

Jake- wanna hang out sometime babe ? x 😘

me - I'm not sure I'm moving to London 😘😭

Jake- are you serious as soon as I realized I love you you get adopted and move away 😭💋😘

me - yes I'm serious but we can skype and call and text all the time and I love you too 😘💋😭

Jake - where are you atm I wanna see you one last time 😍

me -I'm now at Starbucks the one we went to two days ago 😘💋😍

Jake - be there in a few I love you 😘💋

a few minutes later

I heard the bell on the top of the door and looked up to see Jake I got up from my seat and ran over to him not minding the call from Emma and hugged Jake and he nuzzled his head into my neck

"I'm gonna miss you babe " Jake said crying

"I'm going to miss you too hunni" I said crying I overthink about things he wiped my tears away and kissed my cheek

"I know this is not the right time but will you be my girlfriend" Jake said

"yes" I said looking into his beautiful blue eyes

"emilie come here please" joe said and I interlocked our fingers and walked over to Joe

"yes" I said

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