chapter 3

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Emmas pov

I woke up to somebody shaking me I opened my eyes it was Mark

M- hey Emma its time to get up

E- ok and where is Emilie

M- she is down stairs

E- ok and can I ask you something

M- yeah sure whats up

E- I was thinking last night what if me or Emilie ever get adopted we would all loose each other

M- don't think of it like that think of it as having a family that love you and I could give you my number if you ever need a chat
And while you are here if you ever need a bit of advise or a chat come to me ok

E- ok thanks Mark

M- no problem and I have to go get you guys your tickets

E- ok bye if they cost too much dont get them

M- I will im aloud spoil you once a while

E- ok im going to get ready ok bye

M- bye I love you

E- I love you too

I walked to the wardrobe got clothes went had a shower shaved washed my hair and I dried myself, dried my hair got dressed and went to help Emilie

*skip to Mark getting back*

When Mark came back he came out of the office and called Emilie and I. The boys taught we were in trouble again

We went into the office and sat down he went behind his desk and pulled out two bags and gave us one each he told us to look inside them.

Inside mine I had converse shorts a t-shirt an envelope and a box in wrapping paper Em had the same just vans instead of converse.

M- open the envelope first

E&Em- ok and we only asked for a ticket

He sent Emilie outside he wanted us to open the envelopes one by one

M- hey I said I can spoil every you once ina while

I open the envelope and nearly screamed but Mark covered it with his hand because he didn't want the others to know about this

It was the concert ticket a meet and greet for Saturday, the same for The Vamps for next tuesday and a ticket to Magcon ( I know its not a thing anymore but it's my book I can make up what I want) on Sunday

E- omg thank you so much I love you sooo much

M- love you too now open the box

E- ok

I opened the box but before I could even tear the paper mark had his hand on my mouth already because he know I get exited and then complain

M- can I move my hand now without you screaming

I nodded my head because obviously I couldn't speak he had gotten me a gold iPhone and credit for it ahh

He told me to go outside so he could talk to Emilie he said he had to mind the bags until everyone was asleep
I went out and sat on the chair until I was called in the boys walked past but where laughing because I was "in trouble" which was funny because they started shouting at me over it and Mark came out and made them wait to go into the office way to go them ill get them out of it

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